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Busta Squad Hosting Ranked PvP


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Sat night around 8 EST would like to get as many ppl possible to queue solo ranked and get some matches going. Would like that everyone has atleast Conq gear for your own good and to not drag down other's. Hopefully we can get alot of people queueing and have a really busy ranked night Busta Squad should have anywhere from 6-14 of us queuing that night hope to see some more of you :)
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You guys miss us?


So it seems Busta Squad brings all the boys to the ranked yard. Props to you guys for hosting these ranked events. People actually show up to them.


Im stress testing another game so I won't be on this weekend. But I think we've found a fourth.... maybe. So after this weekend we might queue up again. We'll see if this fourth person works out if not RG and Postmortem can just keep playing with each other..... Which might get boring..... So you other teams.... Queue up! A whole lot of you talked a good game.


Don't mind me... I trollz but no really queue up teams!

Edited by Iolus
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