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Rejuventate BUG for Shadow Tanks


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Hey there fellow tanks,



I have been noticing an issue with Rejuvenate when my tank gets it or when I give it to a shadow tank. The buff should apply a 10% armor increase on the receiving target however it does not. Initially I thought there is a mix up with the stance multiplier and could be wrong but when I put rejuvenate on my sage i get 10% armor increase.


My shadow has 8030 base armor rating. Now if I add rejuvenate, I get a tad over 8300 which is not 10%. I double checked on vanguard / guardian and it is 10%. What gives? I can provide screenshots of the test if need be.






Johnny !

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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It's applying it to the base armor of each tank (so to the base light armor of shadow tank).


That's then 1,866% armor increase for shadow tanks and 2,891% armor increase for Guardians/vanguards (that was the case, when i last looked at it).


As far as i know that's intended, although Bioware should probably change it and give equal bonuses to all tank classes.

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I feel like we could definitely have a discussion about whether or not that armor buff should be the same for every tank, rather than gimping our already low armor levels.

Since cloth armor is necessarily going to be at a lower diminishing return point than heavy armor, armor bonuses from healers will give bigger bonuses to damage reduction and will reduce DTPS by a larger proportion.


If you want heavy armor roll a heavy armor tank; apart from heavy armor, the only present difference between Shadows and Vanguards is that Shadows have Resilience.

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Since cloth armor is necessarily going to be at a lower diminishing return point than heavy armor, armor bonuses from healers will give bigger bonuses to damage reduction and will reduce DTPS by a larger proportion.


It's the other way round. The higher the armor Bonus already is, the higher additional armor Bonus will reduce incoming dtps.


Little example:

If you bump armor from 80 to 90% it's a 50% reduce in dtps.

If you bump armor from 40 to 50% it's a 16,6% reduce in dtps

Edited by THoK-Zeus
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Well, adding +10% DR to both classes isn't how it works in game... it's 10% armor rating. The topic of this thread is how armor rating differs from damage reduction. So I worked through a full example to prove to myself that Thok was correct and I'm gonna post it in case anyone wants to see how it works in game.


The armor rating -> DR% formula is given here:

Damage Reduction = ArmorRating / ( ArmorRating + 240 * 55 + 800 ) * 100


And for measuring changes in damage taken, you want to look at (damage taken after) / (damage taken before). In our case we take (1-buffed DR)/(1-unbuffed DR) to get the % change in damage taken.


For Vanguards:

Base 6065 for full 78 heavy armor

6065*(1+0.6+0.16 +0) = 10674 armor rating -> 43.206 + 9 DR -> 52.206% DR

6065*(1+0.6+0.16+0.1) = 11280.9 armor rating -> 44.62 + 9 DR -> 53.62% DR


(1-0.5362)/(1-0.5221) = 0.9704; adding a +10% armor rating buff causes you to take 97% of the damage you would have taken without the +10% armor rating buff


For Shadows:

Base 3212 for full 78 light armor

3212*(1+1.3+0.2+0) = 8030 armor rating -> 36.45 + 8 = 44.45% DR

3212*(1+1.3+0.2+0.1) = 8315 armor rating -> 37.36 + 8 = 45.36% DR


(1-0.4536)/(1-0.4445) = 0.9836; adding a +10% armor rating buff causes you to take 98% of the damage you would have taken without the +10% armor rating buff


So light armor tanks take a larger proportion of the original damage after getting a 10% armor bonus.

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