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At what point, as an Operative, can I begin getting Full Helmets?


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Not sure, maybe 25?


You can check the GTN for medium armor (not adaptive) and just limited to the head slot, and sort them by level.


I know you can get an adaptive outfit (with helmet) at level 10 from the social vendor on Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, for 250 credits per piece, and all it takes is Social level 1 which only requires 10 social points. So, like, grouping for 5 conversations with someone. One Esseles or Black Talon more than does it.

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IIRC, for my Smuggler, there was a medium armor, cunning stat, helmet as a reward for a side mission on Coruscant, around level 14 or 15. In the Justicar area. Low stats, but hey, it was a free helmet.


For an Imperial Agent, since it's a mirror class for Smuggler, I'd guess that there should be a side mission with a helmet reward somewhere on Dromund Kaas. Maybe "Explosive Discontent," the mission about clearing and disposing bombs in Kaas City? It's been a while since I did lower level missions on Dromund Kaas.


I more recently did some Republic missions (around level 20) on Taris with my Smuggler, and there definitely was a medium armor, cunning stat, helmet as a reward from a side mission. From the bonus series.


Maybe Imp Balmorra (corresponding level to Republic Taris, being levels 16 to 20) has a side mission offering a helmet reward. Or, from part of the Imp Balmorra bonus series.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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just to clarify, I am talking not just helmet pieces in general. i started getting those on Balmorra.


but FULL helmets, that distort your voice. not just masks and hats and goggles and such.


i mean full, cover-your-entire-head-and-face helmets.

Edited by JMadFour
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Your best bet is to probably look on the GTN for some of the adaptive pieces that do that. I don't know if there are any medium class specific pieces or not. I know on my gunslinger I haven't come across any that would be the voice changing ones (though it's very possible I overlooked one or two), and I'm at level 42 on him.


GTN may be not just your best option, it's possible it might be your only option.

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I'm still looking for an completely closed helmet fopr my Miraluka Jedi (because Miraluka have no eyes they don't need an open helömet anywayx), but those closed helmets are almost unobtainable, because their prices are in the millions. The only exception of an fully closed helmet (one that doesn't looke Trooperish or Bountyhunterish) is currently the Frenzied Zealot helmet, which I don't like, I'd prefer completely rounded helmets for my Miraluka Jedi.

But ... in the end this is just an luxury problem, I admit ... Why Jedi don't get any cool looking closed helmets is beyond me. Closed helmets are either Trooper, or Bounty Hunter, and to 80 % imperial anyway, this is my (highly subjective) impression.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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