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Rage Tree Improvements/The Necessity of Dotsmash


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I love the Rage tree. it is my favorite spec in the entire game (even more than Dotsmash).


I would love to see it get an overhaul that would make it comparable to the Hybrid that everyone seems to be swapping to lately. I would hope that the developers would see not just Dotsmash, but any hybrid as an indication of weakness in the skill trees. Why would I ever run Rage when it can't keep up in an OP? I wish I could because I like the play style


I experimented for a long time with the 11/8/27 hybrid for awhile as I could not keep up in Raids with a full Smash Build. Many people recognized the need for a hard hitting Dot, and the sacrifice of some AOE damage if they wanted to enjoy the Rage Tree. I am now running the 11/2/33 build, and it's exactly what I need.


The Devs have been pretty clear that they don't like Hybrid Specs, and if/when they nerf Dotsmash I would hope that would include a revamp of the Rage tree. There's no questioning a pure rage build's lack of single-target damage output. I would opt for a more well-rounded class that can still maintain a rotation.


They could perhaps up the duration/damage of Force Crush, or find a way to implement Rupture and strengthen the damage it puts out through points high up in the rage tree.


I'm making this thread to draw attention to this issue. Just like the Sniper Hybrid, I'd hate to become alienated with the game if reasonable adjustments aren't made to the trees that the Devs want everyone to be using.

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As cool as it would be to see improvements to rage I don't see it happening anytime soon. Bioware not like Hybrids is because its not how the devs "designed" a class. If they follow there suit in how they "fix" hybrids all they will do is make deadly saber require Juyo form to activate and then dotsmash is impossible to use. Problem "fixed" for bioware and they have to make no changes to rage. Rage is working as intended. If it did as much damage as the other 2 specs single target there would be no reason to be any other spec so unless they implement the single target changes that are planned against players in 2.7 into pve rage will sontinue to stay the same.
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