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Gfunk vs Vynlash (claims he has never lost a duel)


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Welcome to the world of, I dont normally do this, but the guy pushed my buttons. Im not the best dueler... never claimed to be. That does not stop me from challenging people to a duel. Most of the time I go into the duel expecting to lose.


The reason I am posting this video is because of the amount of **** talking Insiddius/ Vynlash did. And when I first went to korriban, he claimed i never showed. Then he tried to back down 2 more times after saying lets go back. Finally I got him to go and it was short and quick... and barely used my abilities.


Ill just let this video speak for itself.


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Lolol yeah that guy likes to talk a lot of crap but can't back it up.


I said something that upset him one day because I'm such an offensive person that he challenged me to a duel. So i threw out a couple jokes and typical response "YOURE SCARED GOING TO LEVEL MY LOWBIE" came from Vynlash. I told him I'd duel and even whispered his lowbie I found on fleet to let me know when he wants to duel.


The day has yet to come ^_^

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