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How come I only see Bust Volley used in the opener?


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My general opener is.


Flourish Shot > Cover > CB > TS > CB > CB > TS > AS > TS > SS > TS > BV > SS > TS > XS > Grenade > Flourish Shot > Repeat


You should aim to make your rotation go around the CD of Burst Volley, and add enough filler that when you hit your first SS in your repeat of your rotation that, you have Burst Volley either off CD or near off CD. I would like something that when you use Trickshot you get like 1.5 seconds off the CD of Burst Volley. and maybe a CD nerf to 1 minute instead with that other change.

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My general opener is.


Flourish Shot > Cover > CB > TS > CB > CB > TS > AS > TS > SS > TS > BV > SS > TS > XS > Grenade > Flourish Shot > Repeat


You should aim to make your rotation go around the CD of Burst Volley, and add enough filler that when you hit your first SS in your repeat of your rotation that, you have Burst Volley either off CD or near off CD. I would like something that when you use Trickshot you get like 1.5 seconds off the CD of Burst Volley. and maybe a CD nerf to 1 minute instead with that other change.


You got that opener a little backwards methinks. You'll want to precast Flyby since it's essentially a free GCD (i.e. you get that damage without taking up time during the actual fight). From there I find it best to apply VS and go straight into SS > TS > BV > SS, instead of saving it for the end of your rotation. From there CB x2 > TS > AS > TS and back to the beginning, reapplying VS when you can do so without clipping. Taking a GCD every run through for the Armor Debuff is a waste of time and damage since it lasts 45 seconds.


I have no idea why you'd want that change to BV. Just leave it like it is.

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You got that opener a little backwards methinks. You'll want to precast Flyby since it's essentially a free GCD (i.e. you get that damage without taking up time during the actual fight). From there I find it best to apply VS and go straight into SS > TS > BV > SS, instead of saving it for the end of your rotation. From there CB x2 > TS > AS > TS and back to the beginning, reapplying VS when you can do so without clipping. Taking a GCD every run through for the Armor Debuff is a waste of time and damage since it lasts 45 seconds.


I have no idea why you'd want that change to BV. Just leave it like it is.


Well, with my rotation I take advantage of the insta-CB. So, that's why, my rotation may look odd to you. But, it works well, and I would implore you to take a parse of it.

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Well, with my rotation I take advantage of the insta-CB. So, that's why, my rotation may look odd to you. But, it works well, and I would implore you to take a parse of it.

Your opening rotation isn't ideal in that it does not take advantage of your hardest hitting abilities, and I implore you to open your mind to new alternatives. ArchangelLBC offered a very sincere suggestion to improve your opener and your response comes off as a bit rude.


There are some very experienced gunslingers who've parsed extensively and determined the best opening rotation for SS. It is not the monstrosity that you suggested.


So you know how you implored us to parse your opening rotation? I did 2 sequences of it and here's the log.


113k damage in 43 seconds for 2618 DPS. Bum.


2 sequences (shorter, actually) of an opening rotation almost identical to what ArchangelLBC suggested.


132k damage in 36 seconds for 3686 DPS.


I can go into detail as to why your opening rotation parses significantly lower, but the logs say it all as far as I'm concerned.


Your rotation does not work well, and before you knock the suggestions other people have and suggest that they should check the numbers, it might be better for you to check the numbers.

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