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The amazing minelayer!!!


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Just wanted to post this in case some people were thinking that the dronecarrier is the only good bomber (operative words: in case)



As you can see, while not immortal and not as much utility as a dronecarrier, the minelayer is still a very capable and versatile craft and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Edited by Sangrar
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I don't own one so I can not say too much, but I ran into a guy dropping Seismic Mines at B and it was no fun.


True, however, a seismic mine can be easily detonated from beyond the 1500 meter range while you got to do a little more to take out a drone, and at least mines don't fire back at you when you try to destroy them, as seen in my video the enemy team did disable a lot of my mines, probably about as many as those who successfully blew their targets up

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I prefer the minelayer myself. Not necessarily as versatile, but I like that it feels sturdier than the drone carrier.


I do have to admit that I'm not that big a fan of seismics though. Granted, Seismic Mines will probably net you more kills, but much like what you're already dropping, they're very specific beasts. Seekers, while they might fluff damage numbers more than a bit, are more flexible, even if initially single-target only.

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If you are going to use a minelayer, hydrospanner is a must. Though a relatively small heal it can make all the difference over the course of a long match, especially since the minelayer's shields and hull can be spec'd to be thick.


yeah I was thinking of switching to hydrospanner, as it is servo jammer was just a rash decision I made days ago when I was in a rush to try out the bomber.

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