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How do I get my girlfriend to not make fun of me for playing SWTOR and is it possible to get her to play as well? How? Discuss!

This is tricky... honestly, if the girl is not already a fan, then I dont know what to do. If she does not approve just use her till you get your fill, then dump her and find a girl that shares your intrest...


But if you insist that she is.. "special" then be a *********** man, and set that girl straight, put down your foot and say "look here *****, this is what I do, if you dont like it then ****"

Edited by CommanderChronos
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Never turn a non-gamer girl into gamer girl.


At the very least, I guarantee that a lot of your guildies who you call friends will be hitting on her in PMs. Hitting on her, sexually explicit messages, sending pics of their junk if they have her phone number, white knighting her whenever you and her have an argument, trying to break you guys up so they can move in, etc.


Plus, she'll realize that she can have any gamer guy she wants. All she has to do is show him a little bit of attention and he'll think she's in love with him. The second you guys have an argument is the second she flirts with a new gamer friend and if they haven't started moving in already, that will kick it off.




I am not scared of her being lured away by "internet friends". Nor am I worried about anyone else luring her away in real life. Thanks. She lives 40 minutes away so we only spend 1 night a week together no gaming when that happens of course. It would be great to have a girl who I am attracted to that loves to game. So far, that hasn't happened.

Edited by Torothin
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I am not scared of her being lured away by "internet friends". Nor am I worried about anyone else luring her away in real life. Thanks. She lives 40 minutes away so we only spend 1 night a week together no gaming when that happens of course. It would be great to have a girl who I am attracted to that loves to game. So far, that hasn't happened.


Good for you.

I've been role playing with a bunch of guys every week for years and play mmos.

Haven't been hit on once. And if I were- well my husband knows there's nothing to worry about.

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Nothing I can add as far as ideas, alot of good ones from the community for you here. One thing i will stress, is as a gamer, most guys have a tenancy to push everything else but the game aside. We don't do it maliciously, or even on purpose most of the time. It's just like any other activity we enjoy, we prioritize it first and foremost. If she's worth the effort of trying to get her to game with you, also make sure your making the effort to keep her at the top of the priority list.
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Definitely dont go making fun of her in retaliation as that will result in more pain and misery I'd imagine, at least thats how it would endup with me and my wife lol.


She had never played any MMO's before getting her hooked on City of Heroes, and was quite sick of me playing it when ever I could fit it in, which was fairly frequent lol. Anyways, the way I got her to play, and it might not work so well with SWTOR, was getting her to make a Char. CoX's Character Creator is Top Notch with infinite options, unlike this game. After spending hours making a Char. set her up with a Gamepad(Yes I use my Saitek with MMO's!!) and she was good to go!!

The game being in-depth with decent GFX will probably help immensely, as will the Gamepad as I find ALOT of woman are turned off by KB & M. Gives it a more familiar, console feel to it. Maybe get her to start by watching to some of the ingame Movies/Cut Scenes as they can draw interest in too. Good luck either way, May the Force be with you :p You just might need it lolz

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Don't get annoyed when she teases you and instead focus on indirectly showing her how much fun you're having. You might be able to win her over simply by making her want to join the fun.


Either that or corrupt the people she plays with to come play too.


In the end you're the one who knows her, so only you can really answer that question.

Just don't go on about it endlessly.

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is she making fun of you in a sarcastic way or in a mean way?

Maybe she has in her head the stereotype that all gamers live in their mom's basements and are socially retarded.

Have her read Confessions of a Part Time Sorceress. Great book.

It's difficult to give advice considering we don't know her.

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Also- I know I've made like 500 replies sorry- personally when I started gaming I was terrified of making the wrong decision and that everyone would get mad at me. Once I realized that there were no wrong decisions- that's the beauty of role playing- then it became easier. :)
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How do I get my girlfriend to not make fun of me for playing SWTOR and is it possible to get her to play as well? How? Discuss!


hit her a few times...and put a slave collar on her like vette...then when she says she doesnt wanna play..just zap her a few times..works for other stuff also.

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