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The term "Farming"


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My solution for the newbies is to give them a pve training environment where they can truly learn the ropes. I can't see that being too difficult to produce. I know I would have used it. Let people slap on all the components for free there as well so they can try different combos.


I agree with this 100% Instead of a non functional tutorial they need PVE with a little depth to it and NPC objectives of different difficulty that you can go after and earn some requisition. People that don't pvp should still get to play GSF and when they get so good at it that it is easy and boring they will natural challenge them self by moving up into the real deal against players. There should also be exclusive rewards for becoming a pve Ace... Like a (such and such war vet ace title) and a pve mode master ship for completing all objectives. At weird hours when queue times are off it would give the pvp GSF pilots something to do also.

Edited by HoloGrinder
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The real fix though the devs don't have the courage to use it because it would slow queue times, is make premades only go into a queue against other premades but that would take some kind of matchmaking, and it doesn't appear that there is any whatsoever.
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The real fix though the devs don't have the courage to use it because it would slow queue times, is make premades only go into a queue against other premades but that would take some kind of matchmaking, and it doesn't appear that there is any whatsoever.


would appreciate it if you would read a little more into the thread before posting, as that's already been put out there and most of us agree that it would hurt que times so much that the good players would just simulque. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Another thing they could do is role the queue's out over time. They could start with 2 queue's.


1) New players


2) Every one else


Then a couple weeks down the road once new players are more into GSF because they are having fun and more people are playing in general they could split it to 3 queue's.


1) New players


2) Pugs


3) Groups


A couple weeks after that as it continues to grow they could divide it further.


1) New players


2) pugs


*3) Ace (Hardcore Pug Ranked with KDR and Win/Loss recorded in your character information and in game rewards)


4) Casual Grouping


*5) Squadron Aces (Team ranked with KDR, Win/Loss recorded with squadron in game perks and maybe a custom ship option.


* Are optional modes that you have to choose to join.


If you add VOIP for all and cross server queuing I have no doubt that this would work and bring a much more enjoyable game experience to every one. Is this something we can all get behind?


That seems super complicated, but interesting. Any ideas on how it could be best implemented that way in a reliable fashion? (how would they be able to tell new players from non new or do things to prevent smurfing)

Edited by Nocher
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would appreciate it if you would read a little more into the thread before posting, as that's already been put out there and most of us agree that it would hurt que times so much that the good players would just simulque. Thanks for the suggestion though.




That seems super complicated, but interesting. Any ideas on how it could be best implemented that way in a reliable fashion? (how would they be able to tell new players from non new or do things to prevent smurfing)


I say release the step by step bi-weekly in the patch. Give the new guys a safe haven to learn and build confidence and develop a love for the game. Give every one else a new player free queue for better match ups and in the long run give the best of the best the "option" to join an even higher bracket that is ranked and rewarded. Some where there is a premade that flies together every day and they have not lost one of there last 100 matches. How much would they love the option to get owned on occasion and find out where they really stand against other premades?

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I say release the step by step bi-weekly in the patch. Give the new guys a safe haven to learn and build confidence and develop a love for the game. Give every one else a new player free queue for better match ups and in the long run give the best of the best the "option" to join an even higher bracket that is ranked and rewarded. Some where there is a premade that flies together every day and they have not lost one of there last 100 matches. How much would they love the option to get owned on occasion and find out where they really stand against other premades?


Hmm, that would probably work well, but do you think the devs could sucessfully develop the infrastructure in that short of time, or would we need to wait a few months before the change was implemented? Also, if they do that, they might prioritize tiering on the ground pvp matches first, since they've been asking for it for 2 years. Anyways, what do you think the interface should look like for the multiple brackets?

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Enjoy your little game as long as it last.


GS as it is now will die out quite quickly. In the moment it's new and shining but the "weak" player will quickly lose interest. Hope enough good player on both sides are left then, so you can play at all.


I think GS is simply boring and quickly extremely unfair even more then ground PvP.


I go back to ground PvP as i can enjoy that much more then GS.


damn had they invest the development resources to the core game it would be a much better investment.


my 2 cent


translation: I can't roflostomp people with my expertise gear in GSF and actually need skill to win, so it sucks

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translation: I can't roflostomp people with my expertise gear in GSF and actually need skill to win, so it sucks


while that may or may not be a correct translation, i'm curious as to what you think would improve GSF for new players or people who like to be alone... (in a multiplayer game)

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Playing both ground and space I see this term tossed around a lot as well. Unlike ground I have yet to see a cap on reqs/comms and so technically by farming you can get more req. Look at your earnings tab after a match and you might see what I mean by that. As far as a suggestion to fix the issue? The biggest issue in pugs vs premade is VoC (TS,Vent,Raidcall etc). Honestly this game should have its own so when you are tossed in a group of 8 on the ground or 12 in space you can co-ordinate vocally. That alone would help with the communication issue which is the biggest advantage premades have typically. They work better because they are used to working together and can communicate via voice rather than type. The more pugs get tossed together in a match,if they had voice, the closer to a premade they would be like as they would get used to being thrown with players multiple times over numerous matches. This would allow for group cohesion and honestly a less one sided game in team v team play. Though I too would like to see cross server pvp (ground and space)
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Playing both ground and space I see this term tossed around a lot as well. Unlike ground I have yet to see a cap on reqs/comms and so technically by farming you can get more req. Look at your earnings tab after a match and you might see what I mean by that. As far as a suggestion to fix the issue? The biggest issue in pugs vs premade is VoC (TS,Vent,Raidcall etc). Honestly this game should have its own so when you are tossed in a group of 8 on the ground or 12 in space you can co-ordinate vocally. That alone would help with the communication issue which is the biggest advantage premades have typically. They work better because they are used to working together and can communicate via voice rather than type. The more pugs get tossed together in a match,if they had voice, the closer to a premade they would be like as they would get used to being thrown with players multiple times over numerous matches. This would allow for group cohesion and honestly a less one sided game in team v team play. Though I too would like to see cross server pvp (ground and space)


Interesting point, but what about the premades which are formed without voip? (Just groups of skilled players randomly inviting each other to groups) Also, do you think that the in game voip implementation would affect lag? (I actually don't know)

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Interesting point, but what about the premades which are formed without voip? (Just groups of skilled players randomly inviting each other to groups) Also, do you think that the in game voip implementation would affect lag? (I actually don't know)


Most of the premades (about 90%) I have seen/been in in either space or ground on BC have been using Mumble,TS,Raidcall or Vent. I do not know if it would effect lag or not. What I do know is it is far easier (especially in space) to call incs with your voice while engaging rather than having to type. Responding seems to be faster as well. After all if it wasnt faster ship battles IRL would still be using signal flags rather than radios :p Not to mention as I said earlier the focusing targets and coordinating actions is much easier. Pubside GSF on BC typically uses raidcall and they tell other people in the GSF chat set up if they have it downloaded just ask and they will give you the info. They tend to stomp Impside for the most part when those in the GSF channel and using such are actually on as well.

Edited by Ravenschild
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