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Battle Record


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I'm kind of confused in how it's posting certain statistics. When I hit Y for achievements and scroll down to matchs played, I get the following results:



  • General (Played matchs) 305
  • Win Totals 204


However when I hit H then check out the Battle Records I get the following results:



  • Total number of Battles 407
  • Wins 199
  • Losses 208


Obviously there is a discrempancy of 5 wins between achievements and battle records and battle records is also saying I have played 102 more matchs then achievements is saying. This has dropped my win/loss ratio from 66.8% to 48.8%. So which is more accurate and if it's battle records why isn't my achievement record alot closer with the matchs played? Obviously the 5 wins is close enough but isn't accurate either but it's still close enough. Obviously once I hit my 1000 match's played in achievements and 500 wins I will never know how accurate they would be after that it just feels weird they are off already since they where insituted in 2.6 patch.

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Achievements are legacy wide and the battle record is per character. That might explain it for you.


EDIT: Although having more for a single character than on your legacy is strange.

Edited by okiobe
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Achievements are legacy wide and the battle record is per character. That might explain it for you.


EDIT: Although having more for a single character than on your legacy is strange.


Aye, thats where I am confused. Overall I have played GSF with two characters one Imperial (296 matchs) and one Republic (9 matchs), yet the batttle record says I have played alot more matchs then I should of on just my Imperial then what the legacy total (305 legacy vs. 407 Imperial). I know when I look at the battle record on my other alternate characters it has zero stats on everything, so they are not configuring into the equations. Unless GSF takes all the times you que up but then don't accept because you chose to do PvE or PvP ground combat into account for totalling your losses?

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