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Item Boxing


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I was wondering if we could get some option to place items on your inventory and or cargo inside boxes (you know like the ones you get from the market or from the mail rewards or the item roll of the coms vendor that have some stuff inside when you open them) That could help us to save some space from the inventory and cargo hold.


As features I was thinking of the following:

-Customizable Names: So you can put any Name to your boxes that appear while you pass your mouse cursor over

-Custom description: For anything else you want to write on it such as an RP description or just some personal notes.

-Custom Icon: The posibility to choose between some box icons on the game to make the box more unique.

-Content preview: A list of the items inside the box so you can quickly remember what you placed on it and so that everyone can see what's inside in case you sell it via GTN or anounce it on the Trade chat (This boxing suggestion could completely help people who want to sell full armor sets on the GTN).

-Craftable and Purchasable: Allow some crew skills such as Cybertech and Artifice to craft boxes, and also let some vendors like the Cantina Vendor, Stims Vendor or even the Medics to sell you boxes at different prices acording to the box size.

-Recyclable boxes: When you take all the stuff from the box let the box holder re use it to store stuff on it (but dont allow him to edit the box name or description)


There must also be some restrictions of course:

-A space limit for every box (the limit can depend on the box sizes [small: 4 Items Medium: 7 Items Large: 12 Items Huge: 20 Items Hyper Crate: 50 Items])

-If you place bounded items inside the box the box gets bounded too until you remove the bounded item.

-If the bounded items inside the box are bound to legacy make the box bound to legacy too (EXCEPT again if there's a normal bounded item [normal bound must take priority ever so there's no cheating with bound items])

-Boxes' names and description can only be edited by the one who purchased or crafted the box.

-The price of the boxes depends completely on their item capacity.


If you liked this suggestion I would appreciate if you comment and sign for it. so the Devs can see that people really want something like this in the game.


Dont forget to check my other suggestion Threads on my signature.

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