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Sentinel vs Marauder Audible Cues?


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I've noticed a weird difference between playing my Marauder and Sentinel; the Sentinel doesn't seem to have the audible cues for certain things that the Marauder has (at least, not on my machine).


Two examples are:


Force Crush vs Force Exhaustion (Rage/Focus spec). On the Mara, there's a satisfying 'crunch' when Force Crush hits its final tick, letting you know it's time to SMASH! I've not heard the same cue when on my Sentinel.


Brooding Vs Contemplation (Carnage/Combat spec). When using your self heal to build up Fury/Centering, the Mara gives a clear 'whoosh' when you hit a stack of 30. Again, I've never heard a sound cue when doing the same thing on my Sent (and believe me, I've listened for it).


It can't be a volume problem because a) I can hear the cues just fine when on my Mara and b) the only sound setting I've changed is to turn in-game music off (everything else is at 100%).


Has anyone else noticed this, or maybe have a reason and , hopefully, a solution? It's not a game breaker, it just seems weird to me.

Edited by scotthomas
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