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Being removed from the OPS group mid WZ


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The problem is that you stay in the warzone. It happened to me yesterday and it just happened to my friend right now which is why I decided to post this.


It happened (to me) right after a friend who I was with (queued as a premade into a warzone) disconnected out of the match. The game said "you have been removed from the ops group" or something along those lines but I was still in the game and just couldn't see the ops frame or talk in ops chat. Its not a UI bug and CTRL + UU does nothing (tested by me and my friend when this bug happened)


When it happened to my friend it happened right as one of his team mates (who he had been in a group with before queuing for pvp) left the warzone. As soon as his friend left the warzone he lost the ops frame and the ability to talk in ops chat as well.


I think it has something to do with your team mates leaving or DCing when you were in a party with them before and queued as a premade into a warzone. I don't know what the game looks like from the rest of your teams point of view (if you were actually removed or if you are still on the ops frame) but this could theoretically lead to more than 8 people being on one team if you get someone to backfill for you and your team mate that left/DCd.


Here are a few screen shots of what it looks like


The first is generally just what it looks like, the second is the warzone map, and the third shows that I still get the messages "... has been defeated" when someone dies in my game.


I hope I was clear enough in my post about what happened so this can be fixed.

Edited by TyrannisWP
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