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Tait -- Q&A with GSF model designers & artists?


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Tait, we've heard a lot from the developers and producers of GSF. I'd personally love to hear a bit from the designers who have created the ship models used for the GSF Fighters. In particular, I have a few questions (and I suspect others in the forums do as well).


Would it be possible to send some of these questions to them? If so, thanks!


1) What was the overall design philosophy when creating new fighters for GSF? I notice some designs look familiar and iconic (either to The Old Republic or the movies), but others seem to be brand new shapes/silhouettes.


2) Is the Imperial Gunship family meant to evoke the old Assault Gunboat from the X-wing and TIE Fighter games? If so, I appreciate the homage--I love that ship :)


3) What was the inspiration for the Imperial Strike family (Rycer, Quell, etc.)? Try as I might, I haven't been able to recognize any source of inspiration in its design, except maybe this guy.


4) Is there a chance we'll see GSF Fighters (even if they are just cosmetic skins) that share an aesthetic with the class ships? I know the class ships are too large for GSF, but I'd love to see fighters that look to be in the same "family" as the Jedi Defender, Sith Fury, Agent Phantom, Hunter Mantis, and Smuggler XS. Like smaller brothers of the class ships, made by the same manufacturers. I do think the new Republic Bombers look like they could be related to the Trooper Thunderclap.


5) Are there any fighter designs that didn't make it into launch that you could show us?


6) What is your favorite GSF fighter, based on appearance alone?


7) Will we see any Cartel Market ships that are not faction-neutral? Will see any Cartel Market ships that are not based on models of existing ships that can be found in the world?



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Just a comment on point 4... is there somewhere or a reason why they are ruled out?


Have you heard of X-Wing miniatures? It's a great wargame by Fantasy Flight Games. It mostly involves battles between star fighters that you can customize and upgrade, just like GSF. In the expanisions to X-Wing, they introduced the Falcon, Slave-1, and Imperial Shuttlers that are larger than the regular Star Figheters and they fit in quite well. I know X-Wing and GSF are two different things, but because of X-Wing I could see something like the personal ships working in GSF.

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