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Emp Missile


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Just wanted to note that while the tool tip says they do 362 damage I have never seen 1 do more then 180 to any target. Either the tool tip needs to be fixed or the damage needs to be fixed.


I think they should fix the damage as the missiles themselves would be more useful if they actually did as much damage as the tool tip says.

Edited by tunewalker
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Just wanted to note that while the tool tip says they do 362 damage I have never seen 1 do more then 180 to any target. Either the tool tip needs to be fixed or the damage needs to be fixed.


I think they should fix the damage as the missiles themselves would be more useful if they actually did as much damage as the tool tip says.


I think it may be hitting mines and drones which only have 150 hit points. The same thing happens when you shoot a turret with a railgun--it only shows 1000 damage in the flytext despite the shot doing 1600 damage.

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Just wanted to note that while the tool tip says they do 362 damage I have never seen 1 do more then 180 to any target. Either the tool tip needs to be fixed or the damage needs to be fixed.


I think they should fix the damage as the missiles themselves would be more useful if they actually did as much damage as the tool tip says.


I think all of the missiles should do more damage. They should blow things up... often... really often... almost always... And as far as proton torpedo's come on, it takes 1 of them, 1 mind you, just 1 to blow up the whole damn death star!


Seriously though it is hard to lock them on and you can not evade or maneuver while doing it and every pilot has a way to avoid the hit once you lock and fire so the ones that get through should kill things. with all missiles except rockets and clusters should be stronger but not one hit kills.

Edited by HoloGrinder
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Actually I will second the OP on this. I've used the EMP missile, fully upgraded, in several fights and never saw the full 300+ damage from it.


Overall I am rather underwhelmed by it. Concussion missile launch envelope with the projectile speed and reload time of a protorp. The end result is a weapon that really IS meant to be used on mines and mines alone, at which point it is pretty devastating.


However, my numbers were really lackluster with EMPs, and the moment I switched back to Protorps/Clusters my effectiveness soared! Protorps are now excellent weapons that tear bombers apart, and clusters still work well against drones and the likes.


Overall, however, I think this patch really put Strike Fighters in a decent position. I can really feel the pseudo multi-role nature of strikes now. All the other roles have their counters and the role that THEY counter (Scouts->Gunships->Bombers->Scouts, sort of), while the Strikes are good against all types (not excellent, but good). Excellent job.


Granted, we haven't really seen what happens when the fully upgraded bombers kick in, but so far things are looking good.

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One of the big bonuses of a fully upgraded EMP missile is that it can be spec'd to disable the target's engine ability for 15 sec. Disabling Barrell Roll, Retro Thruster, K-Turn etc... for 15 sec is a lot of utility and drasticly increases the success rate of proton torpedos. I have seen it hit for 300 plenty of times. And don't forget that is 300 damage directly to the hull as it ignores shields and armor.


EMP + Proton = 1200+ hull damage :eek:

Edited by Lendul
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OK figured it out, It does full damage to your target half damage to everything else. The reason i havent been seeing over 180 is i have been targeting mines with it and the splash damage is only dishing out 180. Kind of wish the splash damage did the same amount as the missile.
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