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Do Passive Abilities work??


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I've been flying a Stinger with Cluster Missiles with MZ12 and the Spare Ammo passive ability for 25% more ammo. I've had 25 missiles. I switched to a different Offensive crew member without that ability and was wondering why I still had 25 missiles (not knowing if that number was supposed to be the base amount or enhanced amount).


For a second I thought maybe only the active Co-Pilot gave the passive abilities (hoping not), but when I tested MZ12 as Co-Pilot, still had 25 missiles.


As your ammo capacity is the most measurable passive ability, that led me to a troubling thought. How would we even know if any of the passive abilities work? It's not like you can tell if you are really 10% more efficient in maneuvering, reloading 8% faster, pinging an extra 6% on accuracy, ect, ect, ect.


Can anyone confirm that Spare Ammo or any of the passive abilities function? Maybe I have an isolated bug or it doesn't apply to Cluster Missiles or something, but this has me curious.

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