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Seeking a guild (Sith)


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So posting here, as I figured it was the best way to continue my search for a guild. The only place I have really seen recruiting in-game, was at the newbie zones. If this is the XXXXXXX'th post of this kind on this board, and you are tired of reading them, i beg you to move on and leave this thread to constructive use.


Husband and Wife team, new to the game (LONG time MMO players) are seeking a home. Light to Mild RP, with others PVE'ing (actively) so there are others to learn the ropes with and complete Heroics, FP's, etc. We are mature professionals (smart-assed, and rowdy), and seeking a group of like minded individuals. We are both subscribers (both of us were in Beta and played a little at release), and freely spend to get what we want as we play.


If your guild is actively recruiting individuals such as us.


If your guild does light to mild RP, has active members (PST) and loves new members.


If your guild is seeking an active player that likes to group more than solo. Loves to play healer/tank/DPS depending on whatever missing role there is, then I and my wife may be who you are looking for.


Please, post here, or feel free to contact me in game (Dr'edd or Ryzs). Links to guild sites, or forums that are recruiting, etc. would all be appreciated.


Thank you for anyone that has taken the time to read my ramblings.



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Normally i would advert my guild here, but i shall be an honorable person.


I recommend joining THE SITH EMPIRE (I think that's what the new splinter group is called). They are a central-time based if memory serves me correct. (used to be part of the old group)


Also if my memory is correct, they have many side-guilds still under one main jurisdiction.


They have pretty strict member-ship base that requires website application and also planned and scheduled RP events almost every week.





This was about 6 months ago last time i was with them and that is how they operated. they might operate differently now, but off the top of my head, that would be a good choice.



Hope thatt helps

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I run an easy going PvE guild that welcomes RP and non RP players. Any level or class welcome. Members also do some PvP and we have guild events for those that wish to join including RP events. The main thing we look for are friendly players who don't cause drama in guild or gen chat. We have full XP bonus and a guild bank to help members with items as they level. If you would like more info you can look for us in game or contact me. Our guild name is The Risen Elite Edited by TexasAceecA
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