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I REALLY don't like Guardian tanking


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Guardian tanking SUCKS. I get agro pulled off me all the time, cool-downs are blown. What a miserable situation. Yeah, hilt strike blah blah, awe blah blah, force stasis blah blah... I read ALL the intelligent guides on the internet.


I tank on my Bounty Hunter with ZERO problem: I can "reach" the mobs so much more easily WHILE maintaining agro on the boss I'm tanking. I have TWO gap closers on the BH and TWO ranged taunts and a ranged damage dealer that actually turns a mob back towards me unlike the crappy saber throw. When one tool is on cool-down the other is available.


I'm SO done with the frickin Guardian tank BW can have the CRAPPY thing.


And while I'm here Guardian PvP is a mess too... has anyone REALLY played with the clunky rotation on that? Compare it to what's available with a Powertech... Seriously BW what were you thinking. The Jedi should be the premier class all around not the clunker.

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Guardian tanking SUCKS. I get agro pulled off me all the time, cool-downs are blown. What a miserable situation. Yeah, hilt strike blah blah, awe blah blah, force stasis blah blah... I read ALL the intelligent guides on the internet.


I tank on my Bounty Hunter with ZERO problem: I can "reach" the mobs so much more easily WHILE maintaining agro on the boss I'm tanking. I have TWO gap closers on the BH and TWO ranged taunts and a ranged damage dealer that actually turns a mob back towards me unlike the crappy saber throw. When one tool is on cool-down the other is available.


I'm SO done with the frickin Guardian tank BW can have the CRAPPY thing.


And while I'm here Guardian PvP is a mess too... has anyone REALLY played with the clunky rotation on that? Compare it to what's available with a Powertech... Seriously BW what were you thinking. The Jedi should be the premier class all around not the clunker.


So this is what I have found tanking FPs with my gaurdian (only about 41)


1) save your taunt and your AoE taunt until the middle of the fight. Taunt works by raising your threat to the enemy to 30% more than whatever the highest threat is (usually dps for me but sometimes healer). Before you get the AoE taunt things can kinda suck. After it is awesome.


2) I usually walk into fights. People who jump in are wasting a valuable skill especially when you can be there before the people start attacking.


3) force sweep the small mobs to generate threat on them.


4) never attack a target more than once or twice. You need to be constantly jumping and moving. I see a lot of tanks just attacking the one target until dead and it is where they generate their problems


If you already are doing all of these things. Well then I don't know what to tell you. I haven't had any problems holding aggro since like 25. But before then you are going to because all your tank classes suck. It is just a fact.

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Guardian is the only tank I've ever played and I cant say I've ever had these problems and since 2.0 it has for the most part only gotten better


with Saber Reflect and Group taunt available every 45 seconds you can basically alternate between using each one and never have noticeable issues unless your dps are being willfully retarded or you are massively under geared.


Saber reflect in particular trivialises many trash pulls and even certain boss mechanics, especially those with high dmg ranged mobs eg


Silver droids and the Full Auto using humanoids in Hammer station - These practically kill themselves if SR is up.


Droid pull before first Athiss boss - Once again, even without dps help if SR is up these almost kill themselves.


Nearly every pack in Czerka FP's


Mando raiders final boss - almost criminally easy as SR will be available for every turret pop, allowing you to build a huge aggro lead while contributing extra dps to putting the turrets down.


And so on.


I submit that if you're struggling as much as you claim with Guardian tanking, you are either low level (low level guardian tanking sucks) hopelessly outgeared or just not suited to the playstyle.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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Guardian tanking, especially early on, forces you to think like a tank more than any other tank. You gotta contemplate how you are going to pull that mob, and get a feel for how hard you need to hit a certain enemy, keep an eye on who they are firing upon, etc.


As an early guardian tank, first thing you need to do is get a Cartel Hawkeye crystal and put one in your generator and in your lightsaber. Until you are in endgame, *never* use Guardian Armorings or mods. Only take Tank gear when they have Defense Rating, Shield Rating, or Absorb Rating. Strength >>> Endurance. Bigger health pools are not going to save you, better threat generation is going to save your team.


So when engaging mobs, know what your hardest hitting singletarget abilities are. Save those for whatever your DPS is focusing on. Save your Force Sweep for hitting the largest amount of people possible. Do whatever it takes to mke sure thatthe most people are hit by Force Sweep as possible, that includes tools such as force push. Dont pull with Saber Throw, use it as you would a ranged taunt. Unless you have a ranged DPS focusing on that gy way out there, it should work.


Guardian tanking, especially early on, is very difficult. Master it, and you will be a much better tank for it :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Something I continue to notice. Anything blaster related seems to be better than something saber related. Jeez all lightsabers are simply, glowing beating sticks. This game is NOT melee friendly. I used to be able to tank fairly well before Makeb. But ever since Makeb's release, tanking has grown much harder as a guardian. So I quit altogether, and just stuick with dps.
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