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So excited for Tuesday...!


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I'm anticipating Tuesday's GSF patch as if it were an entirely new game.


Such things to be excited about:


* Deathmatch -- Ironically (reversal of expectation!), I think Deathmatch is going to require even more tactical play than Domination. In Domination you know the action will be clustered around one of three satellites. But in Deathmatch, locating your enemy and determining the place/angle of engagement will be key. Sensors, Communication and Speed will all be much more important than in Domination. Plus surviving a battle will be just as important as killing (15 kills will be worth nothing if you also have 15 deaths). Combat will occur at all ranges--long, medium and short, instead of primarily just 15k or 1k like in Domination.


* Bombers -- No one hated on Bombers in closed beta as much as I did. That being said, the rest of the game is very different now than how it was back then. Back then, Gunships were weak and no one had given Burst Laser Cannons a serious try. There is no doubt Bombers should shake things up, especially in Domination. Not only will Bombers have to be balanced, but every other ship may need to be rebalanced in light of the changes Bombers bring. I could make all sorts of predictions of what may or may not happen, but I think we can all agree there will be change. It's going to be wild wild west for a few weeks. (As a bonus, I think Bombers will be just what many newer and/or less dexterous pilots are looking for, as well as those more interested in group utility than killing).


* Battle Record -- Such record. Very battle. Wow!


* Fixes -- Railgun minimum charge-to-fire. Bypass nerf. Shield-piercing nerf (yay shields might be worth having!) Less walls around C in Shipyards. EMP Missile and EMP Pulse. Quick Look! I personally feel all of these changes will improve the gameplay experience for everyone--yes, even Gunship pilots (which I am 1/5th of the time), who will still be able to light things up from 15k, but now won't be tempted to cheese and feel guilty.


* Starfighter Deck -- a place to hang out while queueing! Though I wish it showed our own personal ships...

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I thought the shield piercing nerfs were pretty small like from 18% down to 15% with the final tier of heavy lasers.


i think it's Bypass that's being nerfed from 35% down to 18% (i could be wrong).


You're both right. It's an across-the-board nerf to shield piercing, which I think is a good thing.

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Wow, they really did nerf Bypass to 16% (Just checked on PTS). Is anyone planning on still using it?


I already was only using it stacked with the piercing from Heavy Lasers and Concussion Missiles, don't think I'll even do that anymore.


Can't say I mind though; it'll be more fun without it.

Edited by JadedJasper
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Wow, they really did nerf Bypass to 16% (Just checked on PTS). Is anyone planning on still using it?


Absolutely. A conc with bypass is over 500 hull damage. Lasers with bypass pop that guy that got away and regenned his shields. Double volley clusters with bypass are still a guaranteed 110 hull damage, which pops a similarly weakened ship even if he pops his engine ability (though they can, of course, still use missile break distortion field with their engine ability, but that's hard to pull off even if you carry it). Heavy lasers and concs still benefit more from bypass than any other copilot ability because that build is so focused on shield piercing. It's a weaker ability overall -- and I think that's fine, because it pulls a lot of weight on live -- but shield piercing is still very powerful.

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Wow, they really did nerf Bypass to 16% (Just checked on PTS). Is anyone planning on still using it?


i've gone off Bypass ever since I discovered the joys of Targeting Telemetry + Concentrated Fire. I've never melted a gunship faster.


I'm pretty sure, although I need to test it some more, that the TT +%Critical & +%Surge is applied to my Rocket Pods.

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Does anyone know if the shield penetration on proton torpedoes was reduced? The 100% shield pen is pretty much the only thing that justifies the lock on time.


That's the entire point of protons over all other missiles. And no, it isn't reduced. They still ignore all shields.


i've gone off Bypass ever since I discovered the joys of Targeting Telemetry + Concentrated Fire. I've never melted a gunship faster.


Yeah, I can see that. That tops 50% crit at least if you spec for it. You still need to hit the gunship to begin with, which is why I usually prefer blaster overcharge so that more shots go out to help get around evasion. Though I might start using my Novadive again with that kind of setup. Something to think about, anyway.

Edited by Luneward
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Super excited. What bomber are you guys more excited for? The drone carrier or the mine layer?

I'd have to actually take a look at them both to decide, but I do like the idea of logging Imperial and surrounding allied gunships with mines when flashfire pilot guildies are queueing.

Edited by Bleeters
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I'm tickled pink about what those x-hitting turret dogfighter scrubs will do now that sitting still in a mindfield is probably a bad idea.




I'm torn between the utility of the drone carrier and the area denial of the minelayer. This shiz is really going to shake shiz up.

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i too am very excited for tomorrow.


battel record - great for that pvp showing off so many love to do.


Nerf to shield piercing - great


New game mode, undecided but looking forward to a fresh game mode, wished was more maps though as well but cant have everything lol


Bombers - looking forward to killing many of these, but will ofc try them, set two chars up each with req's stored up so i can try both set ups out, think the mine set up will be great for domination with mines being set beneath bases, in the cut throughs and commonly used path ways, drone set up i think will be great for both game modes especially if u had a gunship and bomber working together.


New fp - great for those that like pve


Only thing we really need now is more maps, more game modes and some sort of live rateing board like that of ground pvp.

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