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Admin password


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When starting swtor either I have to put in the password or be in the admin profile. Anyone know how to have it stop asking this? My friend and I have been having the problem but, unlike me he isn't the admin of his computer... In the sense the admin changes this setting not a hack or anything like that. Ok what I want to do is change the program's settings so anyone can access it AS THE ADMIN. I THE ADMIN WILL CHANGE IT BUT HOW. Edited by Revontal
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That's too bad for him. If he's not the admin of his computer, there is probably a reason. There are ways to circumvent the admin password, but unless I know more about the situation, I am not inclined to divulge that knowledge.


Is it a work computer?

Is he a teenager on his parents' computer?


In either case, the "administrator" has established policies where his access is limited.

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This means that you are on a standard user account. Also, the admin has set a policy that a standard account cant run a program without the admin password. You may even have some other security software on the PC like fortress or cleanslate for all we know. Either way, the admin either doesnt want you doing something or the OS is not configured properly for you.


...there is a bootable disc called trinity if you know what you are doing you can remove all the passwords... ;)

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It says when you use it you can change that setting he wants to know how and the “admin” is ok with it but he doesn't know how. Also it is kind of annoying on my computer. It says you can change this setting I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW.
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The SWTOR Loader requires admin privileges to run, so that it can check for cheat software I think. No, there is no way to stop it from doing this. This means you cannot play SWTOR on a computer where you don't know the admin access.


This is a setting that was configured by EA/Bioware for SWTOR to run like that and there's nothing we can do about it.

Edited by Merouk
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