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Suggestions for Location Achievements


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I didn't see any posts around location achievements. There are many suggestions around achievements in general but I will focus on the Location section.


Getting the location section to %100 is a fun way to play the game. Most start it and get close to %100 for the starter planets, then get discouraged after discovering that most are impossible to get to %100 now. Here's a few suggestions to clean up the location section.



  • Relocate the PVP acheivements. Most are no longer achievable as most PVPers have moved on to warzones or space.
  • Relocate the macrobinocular acheievements. These prevent players from completing any planet until they've reached 50+ with both a republic and empire character. It's very discouraging to an achievement hunter new to the game.
  • Relocate the Coruscant Eradication achievement. The Eradication achievements are reasonable for planets which you intend to play all 8 classes through, but Coruscant is Republic only. 5000 kills is unreasonable for only 4 classes, and Dromand Kaas- the Imperial counterpart- does not have this achievement.
  • Relocate the Eradication achievements for Taris and Balmorra for the same reason. It would be nice if there were a single Eradication achievement for these planets, as that's reasonable for 8 classes. Note that I'm not suggesting that any achievement be removed. Some players have spent alot of time getting these achievements, and they should be commended. Generally, achievement systems deal with this issue by 'retiring' these acheivements to some place of posterity.
  • I think Jedi Master Siegford Grey should be reclassified as a World Boss achievement or should be reduced in difficulty to a regular champion.
  • The Rakgoul Overlord should be removed from the champions list and made it's own achievement outside locations or changed to spawn at a reasonable frequency.



I've leveled all classes through tatooine so far and that's the suggestions I came up with. I hope someone's listening, but I'm afraid this sort of thing just get's lost in the noise.




Edited by Cherlo
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