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Anyone who says no money for class stories ever consider that it's just a matter of investment money and they will get their return from charging for the xpac and get more subscribers who will want to play through all of them. The influx of players along with the xpac price would more than make up for class stories. BW/EA isn't doing them because it's easier and they no longer have the talent to make class stories.
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Anyone who says no money for class stories ever consider that it's just a matter of investment money and they will get their return from charging for the xpac and get more subscribers who will want to play through all of them. The influx of players along with the xpac price would more than make up for class stories. BW/EA isn't doing them because it's easier and they no longer have the talent to make class stories.


It would be nice if they could rehire the writing team and whoever else is needed to make the indi. class and comp story extensions possible. I'm just wondering, how much material they do have squirrelled away. I've heard talk there are recordings from the VAs that weren't used, I've heard talk now, that there were to be twelve chapters...it's all talk, I personally don't have any proof, but talk comes from somewhere, and I'm wondering...and wishing that they'd see that these indi/class and comp stories need to be carried on.


In honour of my new resolve to promote the need for indi class stories, I've changed my siggy...the unfinished Death Star at the start...and the finished Death Star at the end, representing the need to continue, and 'finish' what was started.

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It would be nice if they could rehire the writing team and whoever else is needed to make the indi. class and comp story extensions possible. I'm just wondering, how much material they do have squirrelled away. I've heard talk there are recordings from the VAs that weren't used, I've heard talk now, that there were to be twelve chapters...it's all talk, I personally don't have any proof, but talk comes from somewhere, and I'm wondering...and wishing that they'd see that these indi/class and comp stories need to be carried on.


In honour of my new resolve to promote the need for indi class stories, I've changed my siggy...the unfinished Death Star at the start...and the finished Death Star at the end, representing the need to continue, and 'finish' what was started.


Does it know fetch?

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