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Duel Companions aboard ship?


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Rather than, or at least as well as, the pointless training dummies, suppose an option to challenge your companion to a sparring match aboard your ship. Arm and gear them as you see fit, start a conversation with them (available any time they don't have a story conversation pending), then challenge them to a duel - or be challenged with a variety of options ranging from "Hey, Kira, fancy a bit of a sparring match to shake the cobwebs off?" at the one end of the spectrum to "Bowdaar, what have I told you about leaving hair in the shower? You have failed me for the *last* time!", or, indeed "Oi, Khemmikins, your mother was an armpit and your father smelled of elderberries!" Cue companion turning hostile and entering combat with you, ranging all over the ship if need be and continuing till either one of you's defeated or you leave the zone.


Would be a nice change from the static lifeless companion zombies. Would however mean that the Republic would fall to the Empire in days as every hero the Republic has hung a do not disturb sign on their ship's main hatch while killing C2N2 over and over, and over again, though, I suppose.


Just to clarify, no, this wouldn't kill off your companion. Once the duel was over, or you reloaded the instance for that matter, either by leaving the ship and subsequently re-entering, or relogging, the companion's state would revert to normal, they'd either fade out and reappear in their customary spot friendly and healed, if they won, or 'die' and respawn in their normal spot and friendly, if you won.

Edited by RowanThursday
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Why not just like ask them nicely for a simple duel and they'll either go like sure why not, or hell no leave me alone. I like the idea tho. cause if you have nothing better to do, then dueling with your companions would pass time as it will...

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