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Turn speed suddenly doubling (and tripling)


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This bug popped up about two or three weeks ago... On occasion, my character's turning speed with I hit 'a' or 's' suddenly doubles and I make a 360 degree turn in less than half a second. It even gets worse at times, tripling in it's speed. I heard some people get this bug but I'm not sure how to deal with it.
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I have seen this bug a few times as well, and it started occurring a few weeks ago. This only happens when you keyboard turn with A/S, the normal mouse turning stays at the same speed.


Not sure what triggers it, but you can always fix this by restarting the game, then the turning speed will be back to normal.

Edited by Jerba
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I've had this happen for as long as the game has been out on occasion. Mostly knowtice it in 16 man raids and in tunnel's like areas like S&V just after Titan 6. I know I am not being followed and I use the arrow keys to move so I know its not the WASD that it is caused by. It definately makes it hard to play when your turning around so fast you missing and or not able to target correctly.
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