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Disconnected while using macrobinoculars, character embedded in ground


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I was doing the rakghould dailies, and my wifi gave up while I was scanning the navigational beacons. I was able to reconnect immediately from the server selection screen, but found the camera looking at the ground and wasn't able to move my character.


Things that didn't fix it:

- using scanner/binoculars again: no effect

- /stuck: no effect

- quick travel: character's location on map changed, camera's location stayed the same

- log out to character selection and back in: no effect

- fleet pass: transferred to fleet, but only saw stars and spaceships and a weird horizontal line that might have been a floor


Thing that did fix it:

- completely closing the game and restarting it


I'm a bit annoyed since this bug and finding the workaround robbed me of three rep tokens and one canister. I was even left with one quest I just needed to return to the dropbox, but now I can't do it because the dropbox is gone.

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