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Aborted matches getting out of hand


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Today alone, about 5 matches ended up getting aborted due to lack of players, BW, fix you match making system so I or others don't sit in queue for minutes upon minutes at a time to just get screwed out of wasted time by your incompetence.


Thank you and have a nice day.

Edited by Nomaad
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I'd just say that is annoying when it is aborted even though the spawn timer states there are still some time left before the beginning of the match.


Abortion should happen only when the match begins... Not that the whole "procedure" (the 30s timer) should only start from there, but that the abortion "application" should wait for the first spawn.

Edited by Altheran
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Yes I agree with you on that one, we need smaller maps with fewer players would be a decent solution, I love GSF, I think it's the best instalment the game has ever had, it's unfortunate that BW promoted it so hard yet they seem to not really take it seriously as much as the players do. Edited by Nomaad
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Many people are turned off by GSF because the republic wins 90% or so of the matches. So imperials just are not playing any more. Fix that and you will fix the aborted games and the long wait times. I am only being so loud about this because I love GSF and don't want to see it fail which this issue is causing it to do quickly.
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