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The Grey Remnants are looking for new recruits! (Ebon Hawk Server)


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We were once called the Grey Jedi Order, but we were nearly destroyed. Here is our story of how we came to be known as the Grey Remnants....


NOTE: The pictures used in this story are ONLY being used to give an idea of what events transpired and not anything in the pictures should give the reader an idea that these pictures were made for this story nor part of the Star Wars Canon.


Datapad entry by Major Wolfe:


Shortly after the Order was given to the Grey Jedi Council after the Grand Master stepped down, the Sith Empire had already sent a large armada to deal with them. Despite the early warning of the coming assault, the Grey Jedi Order was trapped. With no way to escape or call for help from its allies, they entrenched themselves at their Enclave; ready to fight to the last man....


The battle was a massacre....


Though few wanted to flee and find a new place to live, many wanted to stay and fight. The Grey Jedi Order launched every ship they had from both Voss (that were kept hidden underground) and those we had hidden in a large asteroid located in an asteroid field. As the Sith Empire jumped out of hyperspace, they were met by our minefield that we had laid out with the help of our intelligence branch whom predicted the most likely location for the Sith Fleet to arrive from. However, despite our clever tactic, it only seemed to drive home the point that we were out-manned and out-gunned. For the first wave was just the vanguard to a much bigger one. The Sith Empire flanked our forces and caught our fleet in a pincer. The fleet we had in orbit was decimated in just 2 hours... I still remember the comm chatter back on the Enclave... I'm still looking at all the men and women that were K.I.A.


No sooner had our fleet been wiped, did we receive word of enemy landing vessels breaking orbit and landing on the border of where the enclave was. This was when I was given orders to lead the defense of the enclave. Orders I still wished I could follow through. I led the defense force and had them entrenched just a few hundred meters from the enclave. Usually, in normal Sith Imperial Tactics, they would send in their fighters and bombers and level the place. That or send a small force to test our defenses and find a weakness in our defense. It could be done easily and we wouldn't be able do a thing to stop them.... No... That would have considered to quick of a death for us. No sooner did they march upon the enclave did I receive word that Darth Malgus himself was leading the charge.


Even with our knowledge of the terrain and the traps that were set, the Sith Empire came down on us hard. My men were being pushed back to the enclave. Fighting erupted in the streets and from building to building. Anyone that surrendered or were captured, were executed on the spot for all to see. This wasn't a battle. This was a purge. A purge of anyone with a connection to the Grey Jedi Order. I'd wished for Grand Master Ian Mount or Master Griseus were there when all this took place. Having them there would have raised the morale and maybe even changed the outcome of the battle. Wishful thinking...But I knew, deep down, it wouldn't matter who was there.


As my forces were being pushed closer and closer to where the Grey Jedi were, the Sith Empire began making artillery strikes on us. Knowing that we didn't stand a chance with no air support, I ordered the retreat to the enclave for our last stand.


Jedi and soldiers fighting side by side. Might sound good for a heroic last stand that you'd read in the holo-archives, but to those like me who managed to survive, it didn't feel heroic. Just desperate to survive. As we waited inside, with the wounded, I could tell by the look of the Grey Jedi that they did not expect to live through this. I tried to think of what I've done with myself all those years. My time in the Officer Academy, Havoc Squad, all those campaign I fought in that eventually led me to join the Grey Jedi Order. No matter how I thought back about it, I couldn't see any other path I would have taken. Might sound like your typical soldier-way-of-thinking, but for someone like me who was given a choice to stay in the Republic or fight with rogue Jedi...well...I just don't know what to say other than I felt a connection with them and their ideals.


Before I could say anything to my men or even thank the Jedi next to me for letting me fight along with them, the Empire sent in their Sith and Imperial soldiers...


Hundreds of Sith and Imperial soldiers filled the enclave. My men that were wounded were quickly dispatched and tossed aside. Jedi were being targeted specifically.


They were lured away from each other and then ganged up on and attacked from all sides. Where I stood was in the center of it all. Trying to shoot anyone not wearing our colors. I couldn't say how long the fight inside lasted. However, in all the fighting going on, I saw Darth Malgus as he delivered the killing blow to one of the Grey Jedi Councilors.


Before I could line a shot with my assault rifle, I was shot from the back by an Imperial soldier and left for dead. By the time I'd regained consciousness I was being aided by one of my medics. Apparently the Empire's forces had pulled back. I asked how long ago was it and the medic responded a little less than an hour ago. A cold chill ran down me and fear as I remembered on one of my campaigns where Empire forces would pull out and then bomb the area. With a surge of fear for those that remained I shouted to everyone to get below ground. I had remembered that there was a hidden bunker under the enclave that the Grey Jedi would use to meditate or explore the caverns beneath the ground. Having the Medic help me up and gathering those that could still move, I lead them through the dead bodies to the entrance, located in the Grey Jedi Archives. No time to count or look for any other survivors, I locked the entrance and led them further underground. I didn't know where we were or if there would be another way out. All I could think of was surviving. About 15 minutes later, I felt the ground shake. The Empire did exactly what I thought they'd do.


They razed the Enclave in a sea of flames...


After the shaking stopped, the survivors and myself spent two days wandering the caverns. If it weren't for a Voss Exploration team with an escort of Voss Commandos that found us while they were mapping the tunnels, we would have died there. The Voss managed to get in touch with the Republic Embassy and had all the wounded flown to their medical ward. Afterwards, we were debriefed and were held in captivity until the Republic Senate decided what to do with us. As one of the highest ranking officers there from the Grey Jedi Order, I was brought before the Jedi Council and the Chancellor. Due to the fact that the Grey Jedi Order was only labeled as Rogue Jedi that left the Republic, the general public see us as no more than war criminals. The information about just how big and organized were kept from the public's ear. Not even the Senate knew everything about us. From what I could grasp at the time. The Jedi Order had gone to many lengths to keeps our actions covered up with the Chancellor's help.


I stood in the Chancellor's office, handcuffed and surrounded by Jedi and Senate Guards. I could sense--Not with the Force--that they didn't quite know what to do with the remaining members of the Grey Jedi Order. Apparently the news of the actions taken by the Sith Empire had spread like a virus on the Holo-Net, and people were beginning to ask questions and even the Voss were wanting an explanation. On one hand the Grey Jedi Order had assisted the Republic on many battlefronts, even though they never received any recognition. On the other, all the members responsible for founding the Grey Jedi Order are either K.I.A or M.I.A., so the idea of punishing the "War Criminals" couldn't really be done, successfully; especially since all that information has been wiped from the Grey Jedi Archives when the enclave was destroyed.


As the Jedi Council members and the Chancellor spoke to one another, I contemplated what my/our punishment would be. That's when they turned to me and the other surviving members. For our punishment we were to be kept together and sent on missions that would most likely have us killed. All traces, all evidence of the Grey Jedi Order was to be erased from the Archives; including the Jedi Archive. As far as anyone will know, the Grey Jedi Order was just a Rogue Jedi faction that was poorly managed and all died on Voss. Those with me would be sent off Coruscant on a single Capital Ship and would be given mission after mission until none of us were left. We would report to the SIS and receive our orders from them. We'd be given no R&R just the next mission. This was our punishment. Our death sentence. If we try to run, we would be hunted down. That means that they would leak information that some Grey Jedi Order members survived to the Sith Empire, that the Republic would reveal us as traitors and have bounties on our heads.


As I look over the men and women that will be accompanying me to this way of life, 'til our hearts stop beating. I can't but wonder why were we meant to survive all that, only to be at death's door waiting for our number to come up. The Jedi still with me that survived believe that it is the Force that has led us where we are today. That we still have a purpose to fulfill. I can't say I believe them, but what they said might be the only comfort my men will have. That we have a purpose that we are meant to accomplish and we can only rest once we are gone. That is what life is for the Grey Remnants.


The Grey Remnants are looking for players of any class or level that are interested in any of these fields:


-PvP Galactic Starfighter

-Light to Moderate RP

-Doing in-game events

-Doing Dailies/Weeklies which involve getting commendations


If you are interested in any of these things, please apply to our website at http://greyjediorder.enjin.com/home


We are an average size guild (15-20 active members, but we still have the 10% EXP Boost due to alts and old members). We are usually on during the evenings and we use mumble to communicate to one another when forming parties for Guild Events. We do like our members to be mature and respectful to other members.

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