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Getting Passed Up For Que Pops


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Love this game. It's the best space combat game I've played.


One issue: I play late at night when the que pops slow down. I've noted I often get passed up for que pops. I'll do "who" searches for Lost Shipyards or Kuat Drives and I'll see a match in progress while I am qued. I'll patiently wait for the match to end... But then I don't get a pop and when I search again, I see the players who just played playing a new match. What gives?

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Two possibilities well three the third being "it's a bug"


The likely possibility is you are solo queing and others are in groups, I believe a group has a higher priority with ques.


The second possibility is your not jiving well with the matchmaker, The matchmaker is still a mostly mystery so I couldn't be more specific.

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Is this true? Isn't the point of a queue first come first serve?


If it was first come first serve then no matchmaking would be possible. The match participants would be determined by the order they pressed the queue button rather than their skills levels.

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Is this true? Isn't the point of a queue first come first serve?


Yes, at present groups are heavily favored. Group size doesn't make that much difference though, so you're fine just grouping with one other person.


Queuing algorithms can be adjusted for lots of factors. Sometimes optimizing for a whole population will kind of screw over some individuals. Meaning balancing numbers so you can have a space battle start as soon as possible may rank higher than getting the person who waited longest into the next battle. Who knows maybe they also want to encourage team play.


I wouldn't worry about matchmaking issues, at present GSF doesn't seem to account for gear or skill, much less the interaction of the two. At least not at the population levels of a lot of servers at present.

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Grab 1 or two friends and queue. They dont have to join the match, they just need to have GSF enabled on their account and to not drop out until the queue pops.


Not very encouraging to new players who have to wait a while to start their very first match of GSF. Sometimes an hour.

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Not very encouraging to new players who have to wait a while to start their very first match of GSF. Sometimes an hour.


It's common sense though. A group of 4 will fill the slots in a match faster than a single player. Right now, as GSF isnt fully released, the focus is on getting matches started. Doing it the current way is the only way to achieve that.

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Doing it the current way is the only way to achieve that.


And not remove group queue until playerbase grows so queuing is fair? Shouldn't growth be the focus instead? Otherwise playerbase growing is gimped as the new players are always pugs, and get cut in line for a likely ridiculous amount of time.

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