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First match


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My laptop had been out of commission since October, and was just repaired a few days ago, so I missed the start of GSF. I played my first match yesterday, and while I personally did awful, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the match. And keep in mind this is coming from someone who does not normally do PVP. On the plus side, at least my team won the match.


Also, a question, how would leveling do in GSF? I don't plan to do solely GSF, but if I supplemented it with my class and side quests.

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It's a nice supplement. And if you're going to take it casually, it works very well. I've been leveling up a few advanced classes I hadn't tried before and so far haven't really had to do much else but GSF and my class quests. Sure, only level 34 since the beginning of December, but I only play a few matches a day on top of throwing in some space missions while I wait on my queue.


As I see it, it's a nice supplement for a class you want to play casually or take it at a reasonable pace. I just see the experience as a nice bonus to the fun I'm already having. Just remember to have patience with games. Some games won't be fun at all if your team gets curbstomped or if your team is doing the curbstomping. Those games are unfortunately more memorable, but on a server with some decent balance they're thankfully not the rule.


And keep in mind the learning curve. Everyone sucks for the their first dozen games or two. It gets better.

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GSF is good for leveling if you do your daily/weekly and then stop.


After your daily/weekly, it is faster to do your PVP daily and of course questing dailys of all kind (rakghoul would be good right now if you're over level 20)


If you marathon GSF or PVP all day, it feels very slow. Do the daily, which sometimes is only 1 quick-match because you win with a 3-cap, and it'll feel fast.


That being said, I do TONS of starfighter cause' it's an alternate leveling system you can play with any char of any level and it's a bunch of fun. If you want to do a bit more, remember you get 500 bonus req daily on each ship (like rested xp) to encourage you to fly just a few more matches. After that, GSF progression goes real slow without bonus or daily ship req rewards.

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