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Objective points don't reflect opbjective play.


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So as far as I'm aware this is how objective points are awarded:


- Kill a turret

- Get the green bubble around your ship

- Capture a node

- Possibly for guarding medals though I'm not sure


This in my experience is a very incomplete system for awarding objective based players. The problem is this. Objective players will likely see poor kill numbers and poor damage numbers, therefor they need some thing else to acknowledge their contribution on the boards. Their kill/damage numbers are low because they often have to be too close to the satellite to effectively fight. The reason you stay close to a satellite is many faceted:


- If the Satellite is in contest it will not spawn turrets, this is important for many reasons yet turret killing is so important for points. ***? <<<(edit: Wiskey Tango Foxtrot #contentfilter)


- when you are close to a satellite but so are other players it is in contest. If the other players leave but you remain it will quickly go neutral but as long as both factions remain it will simply start to flash on the scoreboard. This draws enemy ships and friendly ships both to the satellite. Meaning that the defender must remain on the node while the attacker can be free to commit a larger force to another node. Hence objective gameplay, the one crazy sod who is playing the evasion game near the satellite can't hope to actually shoot anyone of the 2 - 4 players who want him dead and yet he's probably tied up, up to 4 players for his one ship. With respawns that's an effectiveness ratio of 4:1 in favor of the evasive nut job, who cares if he doesn't get kills they will respawn anyways and you can take another node as trade to win the match.


The problem is you can have 5 players actively and effectively participating but getting jack all rewards for what they are doing. Even if 4 of those players are on the wrong side to that 4:1 ratio they are still performing a value role.


Here's what I propose, Both teams that are in capture range of that node get objective points every time a turret doesn't spawn because it's being blocked.


I welcome suggestions on how points could be rewarded when a neutral satellite is in contest as again this happens often and as far as I know there are no points during contest and there probably should be.


2 other points to acknowledge:

- Yes GS do get screwed from points too.

- Yes bombers will change how node assault and guarding occurs.


Edit: darn title misspell.

Edited by mr_sim
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Hence objective gameplay, the one crazy sod who is playing the evasion game near the satellite can't hope to actually shoot anyone of the 2 - 4 players who want him dead and yet he's probably tied up, up to 4 players for his one ship.


2 attackers and 1 defender (if that guys is just flying circles around the satellite) is an easy capture for the attackers, but you need to work together! This is a crazy concept I know but it doesn't take much. 1 attacker parks above the satellite looking down, the other parks below it looking up, both can cover 100% of the area within the defend zone of said satellite and one is firing all the time. The defender will die soon enough or at least be forced to peel off and fly away.


Note this only works with the above conditions, if the defender shoots back... doesn't work so well, add a 2nd defender... doesn't work so well. But the moral is, find the tactic that works other than "chase him till I get some lucky burst damage"! Because, all you are accomplishing with that tactic is playing into the defender's lone strength!

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2 attackers and 1 defender (if that guys is just flying circles around the satellite) is an easy capture for the attackers, but you need to work together! This is a crazy concept I know but it doesn't take much. 1 attacker parks above the satellite looking down, the other parks below it looking up, both can cover 100% of the area within the defend zone of said satellite and one is firing all the time. The defender will die soon enough or at least be forced to peel off and fly away.


Note this only works with the above conditions, if the defender shoots back... doesn't work so well, add a 2nd defender... doesn't work so well. But the moral is, find the tactic that works other than "chase him till I get some lucky burst damage"! Because, all you are accomplishing with that tactic is playing into the defender's lone strength!


Actually I was referring to 1 attacker vs 4 defenders but the situations are nearly identical the only difference is the defenders have more to lose.


Your counter strat probably would work if you have the coordination happening, however the coordination is usually a fail or they don't think to just simply park above and below. I frequently drive premades insane with this, in fact is more effective with them as they will often stay in their 4 man group. Meaning I can tie up the 4 most dangerous players in the match and my team has free roam of the other 2 points.


The minelayer will be the ultimate counter to my strat but a mine layer still has to be on site.

That said we are on a rabbit trail here I'm here to talk about the improved awarding of objective points.

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the name of the (current) game is: DOMINATION. you win by taking controls of more nodes for longer than your opponents.


it makes sense you get more requisition for actions that help your team actually WIN THE GAME than for e-peen stroking actions like huge damage output and away-from-objective kills.

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You get more reqs getting/guarding satellites than fighting other players. Much more.


the name of the (current) game is: DOMINATION. you win by taking controls of more nodes for longer than your opponents.


it makes sense you get more requisition for actions that help your team actually WIN THE GAME than for e-peen stroking actions like huge damage output and away-from-objective kills.


Pretty sure neither of you bothered to read the original post, certainly not all the way through. Apparently a single pageful of text is too much so here's the ultra condensed version:


Objective points are mostly issued when an objective changes faction, however objective based gameplay is far more then the successful change of ownership.


Objective gameplay yields poor kill and damage score and often objectives do not change hands many time in a match. Therefore an objectives player is poorly rewarded on the final scoreboard even if he played a valuable role to his/her team.


What I am proposing is increased scenarios that yield objective points but won't fundamentally require changes in the game and may encourage more players to focus objectives and not killing.

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Pretty sure neither of you bothered to read the original post, certainly not all the way through. Apparently a single pageful of text is too much so here's the ultra condensed version:


I know a better way to get objective points than satellite hugging, but that particular way happens to lose matches.


I dislike this aspect of the game and would like it to change.


I made that EVEN MORE ultra-condensed. You're right, you should get objective points (and therefore ship-req) for satelite humping a neutral node to prevent the cap, not just for capping or defending.

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I've been wondering what happens when a Sat turret gets a kill. Does anyone get credit? If not, maybe the entire team should get credit for kills coming from their capped sats...or better yet maybe just the player or players who contributed to capping and guarding it.
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I've been wondering what happens when a Sat turret gets a kill. Does anyone get credit? If not, maybe the entire team should get credit for kills coming from their capped sats...or better yet maybe just the player or players who contributed to capping and guarding it.


If you hit him as well, it counts as assistance. If not, you don't get anything, beside a domination point (like self-destruction)

Edited by Altheran
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