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A hypothetical idea for an Empire Guild


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Hello everyone, just to be sure, this is not a real guild. It's just an idea that I have in my head about how I would structure a guild if I ever made one.


Goals: The Sith Empire's agenda is much more broad and wide than say "killz all Jedi". In my opinion, they're a mixture of the British Empire and the Third Reich in Space. As such, the RP goals of this hypothetical guild are clearly defined and even extended by the leaders. But as such, I've correlated them into two clear and decisive goals:


Primary Goal 1: Being the sole superpower within the galaxy

-Conquest of other planets

*In regards to resistance, the modus operandi is to reward collaboration and to slaughter all dissenters, to do this concentration camps and death squads should be installed and used to their fullist ability

*Upon conquest of new planets, non-humans and non-Sith should immediately be reclassified as secondary citizens, or even flat-out slaves if their populations are low enough to chattel without upright wars


-Expansion of Imperial Space

*As of now, the Seat of the Empire is the smallest sector of the galaxy, though it is the most heavilly defended, we cannot allow this to remain as such.


-Collaboration with the Hutts

* Slaving: The Hutts provide a steady market of buying and selling lesser aliens as slaves, which is vital for the Imperial economy

* Economic monopolization: With full support of the Cartel, the Empire will be able to sieze economic dominance of the galaxy through their business connections.

*Republic data: Hutt planets like Nar Shadaa offer the Empire a nuetral ground to gain spies within the Republic and even a place to buy Republic battle plans.


-Destruction of the Republic

*Using military might to cow them: While it is true that the Empire has sacked Coruscant and displayed it's might, the Imperial navy and army cannot solely destroy the Republic, only subjegate them. Unlike our glorious Empire, the Republic is a chaotic mess of bickering representatives of countless planets, as such it is completely disorganized.


*Finding collaborators with the Senate: As mentioned before, the Senators are all representatives from different planets, while the whole of the Republic cannot be crushed, individual planets can. If Senators are willing to negotiate Imperial surrender for the sake of their homes, the Empire can easilly manipulate the politics of the Republic. Even better would be to find senators who are willing to sell their precious "democracy" for the sake of more power within their government system, these type of collaborators will prove vital for destroying the Republic from within.


Primary Goal 2: Spread of Imperial Civilization

- The Emperor

*Our Lord, Savior, Messiah, the physical manifestation of the Dark Side, he is the galaxy's one true master, and either the galaxy will join in his glory, or be burned by his flames. His decrees are law, to go against him is to go against the will of the Force


-The Dark Side of the Force

*The Empire's success is credited to the Dark Side, it is the soul of the Empire, and the essence of our immortal Emperor himself. The Dark Side is the Official Religion of the Empire. However, like all religions, ours has enemies that are found everywhere, even within.


*Force Sensitives must be trained as Sith, no exception. The Force is a gift from the Emperor, and to not utilize it the way he sees fit is to waste it, and the Empire hates waste.


-Enemies of the Dark Side

*The Jedi: Fools who thought that relinquishing emotions would lead to clarity of the Force, this Order is an affront to both the Dark Side of the Force and the Emperor. The sentence for being a Jedi is death


*Heretics: Even within the Empire, there are still those who are wretched enough to go against the Imperial philosophy of the Dark Side. There are two types of heretics known: Light-side Sith and the Revanites.


Light-side Sith: Those who go against our sacred philosophy and embrace the Light, they are hypocrites and traitors, their sentence is to be burned at the pyre.

Revanites: A cult who dares to put a bygone Sith Lord above the Emperor and the Dark Council, they are a dangerous new religious movement that must be stamped out. For the crime of being a Revanite, the sentence is cruxifiction.


-Purity & Power

*Unlike the Republic, whose ideal is equality. The Empire values purity of blood, most specifically Sith blood. As the scion of the glorious Sith Civilization, our hope is to oneday remake the ancient power of the Sith. However, if one of dirty blood proves himself to be strong in the Force, they may be given opportunities to advance themself, depending on their effectiveness.



Now that the RP goals of the Guild, now it's time to go with organization. Unlike the Republic, the Sith Empire has one set of laws for the rulers and another set for the ruled. As such this guild will be divied up into several different organizations based on class:

-The Dark Council (Sith Inquisitors)

*The ruling elite of the Sith, these Sith decide the fate of the galaxy. Power is everything in Sith politics, as such they are cruel and calculating. The Organization of the Dark Council is as such:


*Voice of the Emperor (Guild Master, Sorcerer)

The Sith Lord who speaks on behalf of the Emperor, he has the right to declare the death and political downfall of anyone within the Empire. He is the second most powerful political figure within the Empire next to the Emperor himself.


*Dark Council members (Sith Inquisitor officers)

These Sith Lords make up the governing body of the Empire. They each rule a sector of the galaxy in the Emperor's name, though they spend much of their time on Dromund Kaas. Due to the nature of the Sith, they are often at eachother's throats, ensuring that only the strongest survive in the political arena.


*Sith Lords

Powerful agents of the Dark Council, they are sent on missions for the Dark Council, usually involving purging heresy and sedition from Imperial planets. Some may even be appointed governorships of recently conquered planets by the Dark Council.


*Sith Apprentice

These young Sith serve individual Sith Lords. Usually sent on missions by their masters, Sith Apprentices are often sent out as assassins or messengers for their Masters. They come in two varieties: ambitious and treacherous, or loyal and fanatical. Either or may rise to greatness once they are capable of stepping out of their master's shadow.


-The Sith Purifiers (Sith Warriors)

While many Sith are suited for the Machiavallen role of the politics of governing an interplanetary empire. Some are suited for combat. This Order was founded by the Emperor to root out and destroy all of his political and spiritual enemies: namely the Jedi and Light-side Sith. Led by the Emperor's Wrath, this order makes up a large proportion of the Imperial Military Leadership.


*The Emperor's Wrath (strongest Sith Warrior)

The personal executioner of the Emperor. He has the sovereign right to kill anyone on Imperial grounds, even the Voice. The leader of the Purifier Order, the Wrath is tasked with the sacred duty of eliminating the Emperor's enemies.


*Purifier Lords (Sith Warrior Officers)

The Wrath's elite liuetenants, chosen for their skill in the Dark Side and the Lightsaber. They have the solemn right and burden of being judge, jury, and executioner within the Empire. They lead the Purifiers into battle with outright fanaticism and zealotry to accomplish their mission of destroying the Jedi and the Light side.


*Purifier Warriors

Elite Sith Warriors who have been chosen not only due to their might but also for their loyalty. It is said that Sith who ascend to this rank are put through a gruelling series of trials and tests. At the end when they are ready to ascend, they must perform a sacrifice for the Emperor. Said sacrifice is often a close-friend or a family member of the Initiate.


*Purifier initiate

Acolytes who seek to join the Order of the Purifiers are first screened to see if their Midochlorian count is high enough to even be worth considering. If they prove sufficiently strong within the Force, they are then put through a background check to see if they are from pure Sith lineages. Those who have impure blood would be cast out of the Order, however in recent years, numbers are needed. So the Purifier Lords decided to allow the impure to join, but they are brainwashed of their original memories, personalities, and identities to ensure that they cannot taint the order.


-The Imperial Mandalorean Army (Bounty Hunters)

Originally, the Mandaloreans are a loose conglomeration of warrior clans, the Sith however have decided to make them more. Their bloodthirsty appetite for war and battle and their rigid heirarchal soldierly way of life makes them excellent mercenaries for the Empire. The Sith have designated the Mandaloreans as a "martial race" and have been heavilly recruiting them to serve within their own personalize section of the Empire's military. To ensure that the Mandaloreans serve Imperial interests, the Dark Council takes a vested interest in their political and social structures.


*The Mandalore (strongest Bounty Hunter)

His name literally meaning "Supreme leader", he is the undisputed chief of the Mandalorean people. Though not a Sith, the rank of "Mandalore" is venerated to that of a Sith Lord by the Dark Council as a reward for his service of the Empire. He takes missions directly from the Voice of the Emperor. The Mandalore is the strongest of his people, for any sign of weakness would give an ambitious warlord the guts to overthrow him.


*Mandalorean warlords (Bounty Hunter officers)

The Mandalore's lieutenants, they are chosen due to their battle experience and combat skill. They lead guerilla squads of Mandalorean tribesmen on missions from the Mandalore.


*Mandalorean tribesmen

Mandalorean soldiers, specializing in outright destroying their enemies with superior firepower. These mercenaries are sent to slaughter Republic soldiers by the wholesale. They even have a kill-count system inplace, though it is unknown if it's merely for fun or that the number of kills has something to do with advancing in the ranks


*Mandalorean recruit

New meat, soldiers who are either born into the Mandalorean clan or seek to join it. Fresh out of target practice, they are ready to make a name for themselves through the fires of war.


- Imperial Intelligence

Imperial Intelligence serves as the Empire's spy network throughout the galaxy. However due to the delicate nature of their work, they are given a degree of autonomy from the Dark Council, though they still report to the Sith Liason with their findings. Their "official purpose" is counter-terrorism and to stop "Republic expansion".


*Director of Imperial Intelligence (Strongest Operative)

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*Executive Staff (Operative officers)

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*I.I. officer

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Promotions: Unlike the Republic, which operates on merit. The Empire operates on power and fear. Though Imperial Intelligence should operate on competency, the Imperial Mandalorean Army, the Dark Council, and the Purifier Order should encourage their lessers to try and seek power for themselves. Officers should not assume that they're going to keep their posts because of kissing up to the GM, but instead be fearful and be ready to fight against ambitious players who seek to make a name for themselves, just like the in-game Empire. Duelling and political machinations should be used to decide who ascends and who is cast out.

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