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Newb Question


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Prob a foolish question, but its been naggin me....so here it goes./


I play the SF arena a bit. I notice names at this point. I also noticed that certain ppl will be republic one round, then next battle they are imps! But the name is the same.


Do they just have characters with the same name on both sides or can you switch which side you fly for on the same character? Could my republic character fly/fight for the imp side?

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It is common for a match to be a 'training' same-faction duel. Look at the ship shapes on the enemy team, on the pre-match screen. If you see novadives and starguards, they are reps. If you see blackbolts and rycers, they are imp.
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It is common for a match to be a 'training' same-faction duel. Look at the ship shapes on the enemy team, on the pre-match screen. If you see novadives and starguards, they are reps. If you see blackbolts and rycers, they are imp.


If you see gunships go kill them.

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