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Light side Siths


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Is there some light side Siths in the Star Wars lore? Ive read several books ( No where near the full list of books ) but haven't heard of a Sith that's good, or have a tendency toward the Light side. I know about Revan, but was he a LS Sith, Or a Jedi that strayed for a while then went back to the Light side ?
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Is there some light side Siths in the Star Wars lore? Ive read several books ( No where near the full list of books ) but haven't heard of a Sith that's good, or have a tendency toward the Light side. I know about Revan, but was he a LS Sith, Or a Jedi that strayed for a while then went back to the Light side ?


Ulic Qel'Droma started out as a Jedi, fell to the Darkside, Became a Sith at the same time as Exar Kun (he was supposed to be undercover but was recognised as a Sith by the dead Sith lords (read the comics for better explanation)), was cut off from the force by Nomi Sunrider, redeemed himself, and when he died his body was absorbed by the force just like Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi (he was teaching Nomi's daughter at the time despite having no connection to the force).

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Interestingly, Star Wars NEVER has a original Sith turning to the Light Side - EVERY Sith was once before a Jedi. A fallen one.


I'm heavily surprised Bioware did not tey even this in SWTOR - someone who was an Dark Side user in the first place, then turning to the Light Side.


So ffar, Bioware still keeps and maintains this cliché - and with all class storoes stopped, it will never ever happen.


So much wasted potential ! It could have been unique !

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Interestingly, Star Wars NEVER has a original Sith turning to the Light Side - EVERY Sith was once before a Jedi. A fallen one.


I'm heavily surprised Bioware did not tey even this in SWTOR - someone who was an Dark Side user in the first place, then turning to the Light Side.


So ffar, Bioware still keeps and maintains this cliché - and with all class storoes stopped, it will never ever happen.


So much wasted potential ! It could have been unique !

Not actually true. Keleth Ur was never a Jedi, or at least it's never stated. And then there's Kira Carsen and Lord Praven.

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Interestingly, Star Wars NEVER has a original Sith turning to the Light Side - EVERY Sith was once before a Jedi. A fallen one.


I'm heavily surprised Bioware did not tey even this in SWTOR - someone who was an Dark Side user in the first place, then turning to the Light Side.


So ffar, Bioware still keeps and maintains this cliché - and with all class storoes stopped, it will never ever happen.


So much wasted potential ! It could have been unique !


Praven and Kira (as previously mentioned) were both raised sith until they joined the jedi. Mara Jade Skywalker was also Darkside oriented till she met Luke. Orielle Kitai gave up the Sith life, even fighting them, to live with a jedi (granted they both sorta left their respective groups, not that Jelph had much say in the matter). Galen Marek is probably the best example of a sith who converted to the Light (second to Praven I guess).


Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Mara Jade Skywalker was also Darkside oriented till she met Luke.


On the other hand the Emperor didn't really spend time on corrupting her. He just trained her in some basic abilities and used her as an agent without caring how she got things done. Palpatine probably didn't see her as "real" Sith material, or maybe he kept her in a safe state as a backup in case Vader failed.

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Interestingly, Star Wars NEVER has a original Sith turning to the Light Side - EVERY Sith was once before a Jedi. A fallen one.


I'm heavily surprised Bioware did not tey even this in SWTOR - someone who was an Dark Side user in the first place, then turning to the Light Side.


So ffar, Bioware still keeps and maintains this cliché - and with all class storoes stopped, it will never ever happen.


So much wasted potential ! It could have been unique !

I seem to recall there was a Jedi you meet on Quesh during the Knight story who was a former Dark Council member.


He could've played a larger part in the grand scheme of things rather than being Some Guy You Meet One Time And Others Kind Of Talk About At One Point, certainly, but there it is.

Edited by Bleeters
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