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Jabba The Hutt would not tolerate this....


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If his Protocol Droids were as inefficient as SWTOR's community Protocol Droids, then he would order them to be disintegrated, as he was known to do. Even the Jawas knew how to keep their droids in line with the old hot iron to the foot (still not sure why that droid was screaming though unless he had been built with nerve endings in his robotic feet). I reported a credit exploit via email and I get a canned community Protocol Droid response back thanking me for my constructive feedback and directing to me to post my "impressions" on the forum Suggestion Box and directing me to the online Help Center for answers to questions that I may have. Huhhhh????? I reported a freaking game exploit...I'm not suggesting new colors for Tauntauns, lol. Well, at least the Protocol Droids are good for a laugh.
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Report it from in game as a bug if it's something you noticed, or as inappropriate player behavior if you noticed someone else taking advantage of it. It's been my experience that they tend to act upon issues when they are presented in real time using the system that is in place. Including specifics on where, when and how in addition to what makes their resolution process happen a lot quicker as well. Edited by GalacticKegger
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