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S-13 Sting Blaster Fire


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Is it broken? I just faced a guy who wasn't moving at all. I had my reticle centered directly on him spamming blaster fire and he takes zero damage. I have NO lag. There's no server lag, so what gives? I went back and tried to kill him 3 times and the same thing happened everytime. I would tap my mouse and shoot and nothing pops up.
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Is it broken? I just faced a guy who wasn't moving at all. I had my reticle centered directly on him spamming blaster fire and he takes zero damage. I have NO lag. There's no server lag, so what gives? I went back and tried to kill him 3 times and the same thing happened everytime. I would tap my mouse and shoot and nothing pops up.


I have an impression it was like this situation.

1) It ofc was DF and it lasted for 6 sec ( 41% passive + 65% from DF = 106 % evasion )

2 ) he could use copilot ( Salana Rok's?! ) active ability +20% accuracy and had => 14% chance ( depends on distance and his blasters accuracy even more than 14 % ) to hit you.

Edited by helloder
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