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i got bored from Rapid-fire laser cannon ( Light Laser Cannon vs Quad Laser Cannon )


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iv had a great success with rapid-fire laser cannon ( almost always topping dps highest was 75k ) but i want to try something new what do u guys think about the light and quads ( dont like burst iv did 72k dps with it but i dont feel like am enjoying it am more of a spray guy :p)


also what is a good build for quads or light laser, for rapid am using blaster overcharge with crit copilot, with BO my rapid fire shoots even faster and with the crits i almost kill people in 2 secs if not less (if they were in stright line or stationary)

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I like Light lasers. Accuracy much higher than rapid at 500+ meters. Bigger power draw, sure, but more satisfying to use, especially at mid-range.


Quad, I don't like all that much, because, despite longer combat range, it's rather clunky at close range, unlike Light.

Edited by Helig
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Just try both of them and see which you like better, more accurate than what anyone here can tell you. I use burst myself.


ya i will, i have them both at T4, but i didn't try them yet lol, i just wanted to know what people think about these weapons and what is their strong and weakens points and some tips about each maybe from the people who have mastered them

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Light Lasers are higher DPS and better at mid-long range gunning, and especially chasing.


Burst Lasers are more accurate in turning battles and around nodes, with chunkier damage that can catch people by surprise, plus an option of either shield pierce or ~double damage to turrets.


If you like Rapid Fire I'd guess you'll like Lights. They're like Rapid Fire but better in every regard except power draw.

Edited by JadedJasper
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The more time you have on the target (because the target is new/flying in an open area/bad), the better lights get compared to everything else. If you're firing at a block of tofu, lights will (in straight DPS) out-perform everything else.


However, lights come with a number of disadvantages, which are best demonstrated by describing a few scenarios.


In the first scenario, you're firing at this theoretical tofu block. It can't (or won't) defend itself, and all you have to do is get behind it and pour plasma into it. As I said before, this is the ideal for light lasers, though rapid fires also do extremely well here. The biggest downside of light lasers in this instance is their large power draw (comparable to burst lasers, with which you carefully time your shots to avoid running out of power early).


In a second, slightly more realistic, scenario, the target is weaving around attempting to dodge your shots. The target also has some amount of evasion (we'll call it 41% because of the current meta). It has a smaller firing arc than burst and rapid fire lasers, meaning there will be times when your ship can't fire at the target. It also has a higher tracking penalty, meaning that when the target isn't dead center in your sights (a rarity in a real battle), you're going to miss more often than if you had used the other lasers. Further, their relatively low rate of fire means you are more liable to be screwed by the RNG and take longer to kill the target. Finally, the damage done by light lasers drops off more quickly with range than the same does with rapid fire lasers.


In the third scenario, the target is dodging and weaving around a satellite.You have very few opportunities to fire at him. In this case, burst lasers are supreme because they pack the most punch into those few opportunities. Rapid fire lasers will do better against evasion RNG, but on average, burst lasers will clear out the satellite much more quickly (since rapid fires rely on windows of opportunity of around one full second to maximize their potential). Similarly, burst lasers pack far more punch than light lasers into that quarter second firing window you have.


Quad lasers are bad for scouts. They're best at longer range fighting (having the least damage dropoff at range, the smallest firing arc, the most range, and the largest tracking penalty), but scouts are the only class in the game with the mobility and maneuverability to consistently take advantage of the damage bonus you get from being close up.

Edited by Armonddd
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