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So... I just became a subscriber. How do I join ?


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^ title says it all.


Thanks mates.

I can't find the info.


click H or the little ship icon beside the minimap to access your Hangar.


From there you can choose ship components, upgrade them or buy new ones; pick which ships to enter with; choose your crew (look at their passive abilities and active for your copilot); and finally Launch to enter a battle.


It's more skill than gear (though gear helps), so don't be surprised if you get your behind kicked by people who've more experience when you're starting. GL & HF.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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This is a long post, but you want to read it all. I've tried to make it fairly simple to understand while also covering all of the basics that will make you stand out from the pack.


On your minimap, there's a new button that looks like a spaceship. Press that and it'll bring up your hanger. (H is the default hotkey for this window, but you might want to change that.)


There's a question mark in the upper right corner. Click it. Play the tutorial. Read the tutorial. It plays nothing like the ground game, so get yourself informed. Pay attention to what they say about firing arcs and weapon/shield/engine power, cause I don't feel like explaining them.


I'd also recommend rebinding buttons so you can easily reach them. For example, the default power conversion buttons (F1-F3; F4 is useless) are just too far away from my hand for me to easily reach, and you need to get into the habit of switching them around very, very often.


Afterwards, go to the Launch tab of the hanger window. At the bottom right are the queue buttons.


In actual space combat, you'll need to hit moving targets by aiming at the lead indicator (a circular indicator ahead of the target that's connected to it by a straight line). If you aim at the ship itself, you'll miss because shots have travel time. If a target is out of range, the indicator is grey; if it's in range, the indicator is red. Independent of that, you can have a target out of your line of sight, indicated by cross-hatching over the indicator. You can have a target within range but out of line of sight, and their indicator would be red with grey lines across it.


Remember to use missiles (press and hold RMB until you get a lock tone, then release) and boost (press and hold spacebar). In fact, first thing to do at the start of a match is to boost your way straight to a point, sit on it, and capture it. This rewards you with something between 100 and 200 requisition.


When you're boosting after someone (or just flying in general while not full on engine power), power goes to engines. When you're shooting (or low on weapon power), power goes to weapons. When you're getting shot at, power goes to shields (even if this means you're boosting and/or shooting without power to the appropriate systems). I swap power around at least once every few seconds, sometimes multiple times a second.


When you're turning somewhere, unless you're simultaneously lining up a shot and can't risk disrupting your aim, you must use the roll keys to make it so you're turning straight up and down, because that is significantly faster than turning side to side.


I think that's about everything. Let me know if you have any questions.

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What about the early access bonuses ?



Omg that sensitivity !

Hard to move and aim, really. :eek:


Early access bonuses are done. People subscribed before nov 1 got a gunship, which is now available to anyone at the cost of 5000 fleet req. (Or maybe 2500, I dunno, I unlocked it a while ago.)


As for mouse sensitivity, you can turn that down in control panel (or whatever the equivalent is for non-windows systems). If you use a gaming mouse, I turned my naga down from 1100/1100 to 900/900 and it's working pretty nicely for me.

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Hmm nice thank you, it helped.

The whole energy management system seems really hard and skill rewarding.

A very good thing !




Early access bonuses are done


Urgh really ?

That what the page says :


Preferred Status Early Access Rewards

(January 14, 2014 – February 3, 2014)



Also available to Subscribers during this period.



Well I guess that if that's it, then I missed nothing useful anyway, but it's still sad missing content, even useless one.

(which this game seems based on)

Edited by Traenix
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According to this star fighter page there are some in game rewards still offered. The Nov 1 was for the gunship unlock. If you subbed before Jan 13 you should get the paint jobs, title, etc. If you subbed after Jan 13 it looks like you just get the Test Pilot title. The terms and conditions at the bottom of the page explain it well.


Welcome to Starfighter. It takes a while to get into so don't get discouraged at first.

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To qualify for the Preferred Status Early Access in-game rewards, your account must be or become a Subscription or Preferred Status account between January 14, 2014 (at the start of Preferred Status Early Access) and February 3, 2014 at 11:59PM PST / February 4, 2014 at 7:59AM GMT (prior to the official public launch on February 4, 2014). Preferred Status in-game rewards will be delivered via in-game mail at the start of Preferred Status Early Access on January 14, 2014 or within two hours of becoming a Preferred Status Player or a Subscriber.



Well I didn't even get the title.

We'll see. I hope I'll have something !


Thank you guys.

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