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RP Guild - Empire: Rivalry


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Rivalry, within the Empire.

Rivalry with the Republic, and the Syndicates.

Peace is a lie.


On every planet, there is a skirmish to be won against the hated Republic. A bounty to bring in the money, alive or dead. A rival to be undermined, without showing your hand. An Acolyte to be found, to nurture future betrayals.



Are you an Order, a Legion, or what?


None of these things. Our characters are not known as associates or members of any organisation - we all just enjoy roleplay and will scheme against each other, have events, and most importantly a laugh - but you will not find any Corporals or High Lord Generals here. We do have our OOC officers, naturally.


What kind of characters are you looking for?


Any and all Empire characters. Everyone is welcome, we try to keep things balanced - the idea is not to have Sith dominating the guild as cackling dark lords running amok and leaving naysaying imperials as smoking husks in the dirt. We like a ship's captain, or a bounty hunter, or a solid imperial agent as much as the apprentice to murder us in the future.


How do I join?


We prefer to recruit ICly - we'd like to meet your character first, whether that be in conflict or alliance, or hiring them for a job. We're not a number crunching guild, the aim is to find others who mesh with our playstyle, rather than just cram in members for perks. If you contact Loerya in game, usually available after 6pm GMT during the week.


Do you have a site?


We do, a work in progress, but available here. We've been up, ooh, 24 hours at this time, so still tweaking - but feel free to have a look.


That's a pretty short introduction post...


I prefer to keep things short but sweet - and if you're interested, then come find us in game to ask further questions.


Thank you for reading!

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