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<The Sanctuary>'s School of PVP - Now Hiring Instructors - Paid Job


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Offering my service to instruct the Guardian class if it has an opening.


i did offer for the Guardian not Juggernaut, i did not come here to compare anything or start trouble, if you dont mind please leave me out of your little feud i only came to offer.


my Guardian is my toon i favor and play and yes since launch, my jugg is only an (Alt), and i have not been offered a 1v1 multiple times, only once by tequila when we were in a Ranked solo match.

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i did offer for the Guardian not Juggernaut, i did not come here to compare anything or start trouble, if you dont mind please leave me out of your little feud i only came to offer.


my Guardian is my toon i favor and play and yes since launch, my jugg is only an (Alt), and i have not been offered a 1v1 multiple times, only once by tequila when we were in a Ranked solo match.


juggs and guardians are the same, same abilities with different names lol.

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LOL bibi i love you man ur funny. no you're a good player, believe me if i thought you were bad i would have prob told you by now. You may see me as the villain but i do want pvp to get better, and my *************** is just so people get mad enough to want to get better, motivation by demotivating :>


Problem is, this is an RP server and I can promise you that most of these people don't learn that way. Being an RP server doesn't excuse people for not understanding the basic principals of PVP, but it does excuse them from the ultra competitive mentality that comes with being a more elite player.

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Good comes with perspective. To someone who has played Jugg since launch maybe you don't dig Ulic's playstyle. To someone who has been smashed into oblivion by him (myself included), the fact that he's willing to share some of his ideas on the class is awesome.


Trust me, the fact that you are a damn good PVP'er isn't lost on most of us... trashing everyone else is what is making you look EMO.


Uliic is a good smasher but I do not encourage people to run 1800 expertise you'll make it much harder on your healers which in a well balanced group you'll have 2 maaaaaaybe 3 we don't wanna heal someone who gets destroyed if focused at all.

Edited by Zergabaath
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Can you teach me how to juggernaut tank? I'm seeking help and understanding on the importance of guarding my healers and using the "right" relics.


:csw_guard:It will only be a matter of time before someone breaks, cowers down, rages and quits ranked, true colours come out!:csw_guard:


I'd be happy to help you man contact me in game sometime this weekend I'm a good jugg tank although Ulliam is the best in my opinion.


Tsarunai - Sabatiani - Thule

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Because that's how PvP'ers are. Also are you the scoundrel who I got into a scrap with in the den this evening? Not 100% sure on the name but I'm thinking your username is the same as that scoundrel's.


i am, you little rat bastard :p I was respeccing when you hit me so I had to run to finish and then my bars were all over the place :p That'll teach me to head there to duel Rytan :p

your last assassinate hit like a truck too

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i am, you little rat bastard :p I was respeccing when you hit me so I had to run to finish and then my bars were all over the place :p That'll teach me to head there to duel Rytan :p

your last assassinate hit like a truck too


Ah well don't feel bad, near the end of the duel your avatar glitched through the ground so you were able to get like 4-5 hits in while my character was just standing there like a retard. I kinda panicked when that happened and if that last assassinate hadn't done the job I was gonna pop a medpac XD

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Would be interested in learning. Mainly a PVE player, and I'm a pretty good Vigilance guardian as far as PVE goes. Would like to see how I'd do in a PVP setting, have an amalgam of augmented 63-65-67 PVP gear :D


Although I haven't dueled much in a while, probably need to get back in the swing of it.


Will be watching for when this thing opens up for lessons, assuming you are doing it pubside of course.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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