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<The Sanctuary>'s School of PVP - Now Hiring Instructors - Paid Job


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Go fight him then


















































Still not sure..............................

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And welcome to ignore for being an ***.

































..............GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD............../WRISTSLIT












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And welcome to ignore for being an ***.


lol keep ignoring people, they dont *********** care if some baddie does this..you cant nominate **** btw, you're not the one paying for it ;) and tbh, no offense to ninja, but there's a reason faatt was picked and not him - that being said you're still a scrub saeri, so stop acting like you're the ****, earlier today you b*tched about not getting your 8th medal in a novare when we had 5 sins on our team, yeah, you had to guard, F*ucking deal with it, every sin has to once in a while, ffs stop complaining about every goddamn thing in a warzone. And like tequila said, not sure if it was in this thread or the other one, but peb is back, not even mentioning the other sins here, pretty sure you dont get to start naming who gets to do what in teaching something not sponsered by you or your guild..and you *********** wonder why people complain about you in the hate thread..this is why.

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Aww thanks. You and Akeba have always been my favourite sentinels/marauders :)



And... NEVER! I still PvP once or twice a week but I've been really burned out from all the nonsense and drama amongst the PvPers, and all the childish behaviour, which never ends. It's good to take a break from all of it.


dont know what you mean, there's 0 drama in this thread or any other.



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I withdraw my offer to teach any of these classes good luck with it though. Tequila does wear Void tag and rightfully so. It's one thing to try and back up your argument but to insult his standing in the guild he's in is another.


Catheana - Sentinel

Whooter - Scoundrel

Tsarunai - Sniper

Sabatiani - Sorcerer

Thule - Tank Juggy


So its alright for him to insult a member of our guild??? Had he not trolled X'r, who is a great player (again, player has just as much to do with a person's character as it does their ability) I wouldn't have said peep. Your withdrawal is happily accepted then. Best of luck in your endeavors.

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I nominate Ninjablade as the DPS Assassin instructor.


This guy hasn't met Peb, and he knows nothing how scary a top scale assassin is next best I'd say Faatt. I do think Ninjablade is really good though /respect.

Edited by Zergabaath
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I think some of you people are forgetting the purpose of this thread. The thread's purpose is to find people interested in teaching others on how to improve in their pvp skills. It's a good thing for the server, I don't understand why some of you feel the need to come in here and troll the thread. You're not the ones putting up the credits and if it's because you're feeling butthurt that you weren't asked to teach, well that's totally on you. You want to talk smack about a player do it in the appropriate thread. ie pvp hate thread.
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*gets back on track*


Still seeking instructors. Please post with your in game name and class you would be willing to teach. Thanks.


Faatt did an awesome job with the Assassin class. I would also like to thank Peb for showing up as well. It was awesome to be able to learn tricks from some of the games best.

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Offering my service to instruct the Guardian class if it has an opening.


Actually I would like this a great deal. I think you'll be the next one. Ulic. Going to make your post now because I would love to learn the Guardian/Jugg class. I don't think there are many as good as you. I know Cerin is good, but your name pops up a lot in conversations. As does Ullium - that freakin' Frankenstein's monster <3

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Actually I would like this a great deal. I think you'll be the next one. Ulic. Going to make your post now because I would love to learn the Guardian/Jugg class. I don't think there are many as good as you. I know Cerin is good, but your name pops up a lot in conversations. As does Ullium - that freakin' Frankenstein's monster <3


Cerin would be awesome for Vengeance/Vigilance, maybe we could get both of them to work together and highlight all specs.

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ullic runs around with 1800 expertise in wz which that in itself shows how little he knows about pvp in general. and cerin is so tanky/hard to kill in midtree bc he runs a shield.


Right now, they are stepping up and offering to assist where others are not. I'll take people who want to help anyway they can, even if they are just average over someone who thinks they are god but would rather troll than teach.


Even if they can teach someone 1 or 2 tiny tips that might help, its still improves PVP, even just a bit.

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