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<Dreshdae Elite> | <Dreshdae Reborn>


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NOTE: We are one guild split over both factions as Dreshdae Elite and Dreshdae Reborn.


Who are the Dreshdae Elite/Reborn?

We are a friendly group of players who pride ourselves on clean chat, helping others, and having fun while saving the galaxy!


This is what the guild description says in-game but what does that really mean? Let's break down the four key concepts in that description:



  • Friendly: This one is simple. We are nice people that don't act like jerks.
  • Clean Chat: This one seems simple but "clean" means different things to different people so let's dig a little deeper. We define "clean" as profanity free and non-controversial topics. Topics we avoid include (but are not limited to) religion, politics, crude jokes and sexual situations/orientation.
  • Helping Others: We do not hesitate to offer help when it is possible to do so. This can range from answering a question in general chat to helping a fellow Guildie with their class mission.
  • Having Fun: When we do awesome things like killing the Dread Masters, we have fun. When we do not-so-awesome things like wipe on the trash leading up to the Dread Masters,we have fun. The point is that we have a great time whether we are flying or dying.


Who is Dreshdae Elite/Reborn looking for?

We are looking for players who find the guild culture described above refreshing, regardless of their level, class or play-style. If you are excited about being a part the culture we have created, we would love to hear from you at recruiting[at]dreshdae-elite.com.


Where is Dreshdae Elite/Reborn in regards to end-game content?

Operations: We are currently running two SM Operations a week. We also have two 8-man HM Operation teams who meet twice a week and are progressing through HM Ravagers & ToS.


Ravagers SM - FARM (8M &16M)

Ravagers HM - 1/5 (8M)

Temple of Sacrifice SM - FARM (8M) - 5/5 (16M)*

Temple of Sacrifice HM - 1/5 (8M)


* While we have finished 16M SM ToS a few times, it is still not consistent that we pass Underlurker. We are getting better each time we try and pretty soon it will be on farm.


PVP: We are currently a casual PVP guild with no ranked team. We have guildies running PVP in groups every night and have a scheduled PVP event every Sunday night.


Does Dreshdae Elite/Reborn offer any perks?

Dreshdae Elite/Reborn has a member website with a calendar of events. We use Ventrilo to communicate and have a fairly active Cantina there. In-game we have a Guild Bank with several bays, 10% XP/Rep bonuses, and enough crafters to help you with anything you could ever need. We also have a Guild Ship on both factions.


How do I become a member of Elite/Reborn?

Contact us at recruiting[at]dreshdae-elite.com or look for Myrin/Menosee in-game on the Pub side or Myyrin/Maleficus on the Imp side.

Edited by ekimlil
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