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Charged Plating Uses.


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There's just too much shield piercing and armor penetration in the current game to be able to predict it and defend against it. There's just no reason to run charged plating.




Charged Plating works well against SOME weapons, yes. But a huge chunk of the stuff you'll go against will just tear through you, no matter how well protected you think you are.


So sure, maybe those quad lasers do piddly-squat to you, but those burst lasers nearly every flashfire/sting sports and those slug railguns EVERY GUNSHIP uses will just tear you apart, and your cooldown will be useless.


Essentially, against the most popular and common weapons used by the top tier in the game, Charged Plating is a liability. So what will happen is that you'll be doing allright, tanking superbly, and then you'll die. Boom.


And that's not even considering the fact that 11 seconds out of 30, you're going to be a glass cannon.


So, yeah, right now Charged Plating is a liability. If you want to actually tank, Directional Shield is where you want to be. Quick-Charge are also great, but less so against high burst damage, but they also make you far more mobile (it's a huuuge boost to engine power).

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