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Don't you hate it when matches end before they start?


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wow, now we're blaming Organized Groups for the cancellation of a match?... better grab the tin foil hats cause, "it's a conspiracy!"... unbelievable the level of demonization... no, some people just walk away, go to the bathroom, get a soda, a sandwich or something and miss their pop messing it up for everyone cause they couldn't que and sit still for a minute... usually the fault of 2 or more people... and sometimes some people are in the middle of a Storyline or FMV and can't or don't want to cancel out of it just yet... there are many legitimate reasons, but the first you jumped on was the "Premade" boogieman... :rolleyes: Edited by Elly_Dawn
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As above. Consider the amount of people queuing for GSF. Now consider that most people solo queue and do not realise that groups get faster queues. This means they could be in queue for 10 +mins. In that time they could be doing missions, or could simply be afk. If you are half way through a mission, and in the middle of killing a boss mob or elite, then chances are people will just ignore the queue pop and finish the mission, then requeue.


Remember, even though you have a min or so to click accept queue, the 30 sec abort timer starts from the second the teams are more than 2 people in difference. SO you may think " oh, they have 60-90 seconds to accept, when in reality, it is actually 30 secs or less.



The queue system needs changing for sure, but i wouldnt hold my breath.

Edited by renegadeimp
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As above. Consider the amount of people queuing for GSF. Now consider that most people solo queue and do not realise that groups get faster queues. This means they could be in queue for 10 +mins. In that time they could be doing missions, or could simply be afk. If you are half way through a mission, and in the middle of killing a boss mob or elite, then chances are people will just ignore the queue pop and finish the mission, then requeue.


One thing I'd like to see is the ability to minimize the PVP prompt in these situations the way you can with the group finder prompt (getting the obstruction out of the center of your screen without dropping out of the queue) then jump in after you're finished with the immediate action.


I cannot fathom why the group finder allows this but the PVP queue does not.

Edited by RebekahWSD
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Premades do seem to make it more likely for an abort to occur. It's not the premade's fault, it's just an oddity of the matchmaking system.


It seem like when a premade joins a match and makes the teams lopsided, sometimes the game isn't able to fill in the four spots on the opposite side quickly enough, and it aborts the match.

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wow, now we're blaming Organized Groups for the cancellation of a match?... better grab the tin foil hats cause, "it's a conspiracy!"... unbelievable the level of demonization... no, some people just walk away, go to the bathroom, get a soda, a sandwich or something and miss their pop messing it up for everyone cause they couldn't que and sit still for a minute... usually the fault of 2 or more people... and sometimes some people are in the middle of a Storyline or FMV and can't or don't want to cancel out of it just yet... there are many legitimate reasons, but the first you jumped on was the "Premade" boogieman... :rolleyes:


Ummm seems to me you jumped the gun a little yourself. The OP was just asking a question as to how this happens. (tin looks good on you btw) ;)

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Premades do seem to make it more likely for an abort to occur. It's not the premade's fault, it's just an oddity of the matchmaking system.


It seem like when a premade joins a match and makes the teams lopsided, sometimes the game isn't able to fill in the four spots on the opposite side quickly enough, and it aborts the match.


I'm pretty sure that the teams are picked.. but you aren't considered "filled" until you click "ready". If 3 people on one side are slow by 30 seconds (I honestly think a lot of them are leveling/dailies in between matches) boing! The rest get ejected.

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I'm pretty sure that the teams are picked.. but you aren't considered "filled" until you click "ready". If 3 people on one side are slow by 30 seconds (I honestly think a lot of them are leveling/dailies in between matches) boing! The rest get ejected.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's more or less how it works. But when you've got a group of 4 that queue up for a match, they're more likely to all hit "ready" all at the same time, leading to mismatched teams. As opposed to a bunch of pugs, who are all doing their own thing and might be finishing up a fight or afk for a second. I really don't get why the abort sequence only has a 30 second timer when you get 60 seconds to hit "ready".

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Here's what I posted yesterday:


We've all seen it... you get a queue pop and one side is half full while the other is completely full right out of the gate. 30 seconds later the smaller side doesn't get enough people and even though the fight is 30 seconds from starting... all people get a loss and have to get back in line for an actual queue...


Why the game gives you a minute to join but times out in 30 seconds is beyond me... the 30 second timer should not start until the countdown clock reaches 31... really this is not rocket science...

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