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ion missles supposed to have longer range?


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The Merr-Sonn Mercybringer ion missile does minimal hull damage, but a single hit is enough to down most enemy shields and short out onboard power systems. The Mercybringer locks onto targets within a moderate timeframe and has a long range. Despite its name, the Mercybringer's enfeebled victims are rarely granted a chance to surrender.


Was it nerfed or a mistake?

Edited by Sadishist
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I strongly believe that is wording you are seeing of its description is the mistake. Similarly, the Strike Fighter's ion cannon says it is "inaccurate at long range", but it is only less accurate than gunship secondary weapons beyond medium...


Is the ion missile useful/balanced? Highly unlikely. Same as charged plating for shields... talk about useless... Makes me wonder how closely they examined their own choices... as in "Who would want to use this component and why?"

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In the earliest beta, it did have a longer range. It was basically an ion version of the concussion missile, which makes sense.


But it wasn't like it was being abused or anything.


Must've been done for a reason. Though I can't imagine one.

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Must've been done for a reason. Though I can't imagine one.


I call them "brain farts" :)


Really, some of the components could use a lot of tweaks to make them useful. Ion missiles, charged plating, thermite torpedoes... Ions seem to be an easy fix, just add some range and/or lower the lock-on time and boom, we have another pretty neat missile type for those tier 2 fighters.

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Ion Cannons and Ion Missiles could both use a range buff. The entire point of carrying Ion weapons is to use them to take down the target's shields first, then finish them off with your other weapons. As it stands, Ion Cannons and Ion Missiles both have a shorter range than the weapons they are generally used with. It doesn't really make sense to have to use your shorter range weapon first, and then switch to your longer range weapons. To make this strategy more practical, Ion Cannons should be given a range equal to Quad Lasers, and Ion Missiles should have the same range as Conc Missiles.


Ion weapons also have some useful debuffs, so increasing their practicality would also buff the utility of Strike Fighters, which, frankly, they could really use.

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Aside from shields, do ion missiles drain a lot of blaster/engine power from target ship?


You know it's funny how they put out accurate statistics on most everything... but when they miss some important stuff like this (sensor beacon base range comes to mind) we're left to guess its actual usefulness.


funny could be changed with sad

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