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So tired of people who don't know how to price things on the GTN


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Thank you for the profits, then.


I initially played the game at release, got 2 characters to level 50 with about 800k each at the end. Gave up (hated their ticket system), and I only recently (couple months ago) started playing again, a new character for a new class story.


Happy to say that about 30 minutes each evening on the GTN buying all the under-bids changed my 800k into 10 million plus a whole bunch of legacy-wide mounts, pets, armor sets, and color crystals unlocked, with CC's spent only on the unlocks. So my game experience has been quite fun; been able to partake in all the Cartel stuff they added since I last played.



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Sure, I support undercutting. Why not? The cheaper the items are, the better for buyers.

Why for Revan's sake someone should pay millions of credits for some speeder or animal mount????

Or for a mod that can be crafted?

Geez, people, there are more serious issues than those...

Not in the game. No issues that are any more nor any less serious.

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I love people who price things to low on the GTM. I buy it from them relist or sit on to list later on when the market has settled.


What I can't understand is after so many packs and so many chances for people to learn that anyone is still surprised by how the GTM works. After every pack hits the market is flooded with items. even the hardest items to get become common for a short while. That drives down prices. That's not the time to be selling. It's the time to be buying. Buy for the first 10 days after the pack hits, list after that and make a fortune.

Of course you can sell during the 1st few days but expect to be undercut in minutes. There are game fortunes to be made but not by the poor souls who dump super rare items at the default prices. I personally have spent just over 19 million credits in the last few days on other peoples panic listings. Got everything I wanted on my characters and easily expect to double my money again within a month. It's been the same for every pack launched and I can't see it changing.

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God this is one of the things I hate in the game. I go to gtn look at mounts. there is literally 5 pages of the same ubrikki speeder being sold by mostly the same 3 people and 1 or 2 other people. all averaging at about 40k ive seen 1 as low as 9k and 1 as high as 250k. and then another ubrikki one that someone is selling for 1million. the thing here is, I understand why some products are priced higher such as the animal mounts, ones that look like cars, the skiffs and the thrones. But having almost 50 of the same speeder on gtn and those listings remain there for nearly 2 weeks. that most likely means there is no demand for it.

The armor sold in gtn just depends on what people are wanting. Most of the armor like most of the cheaper mounts are just reskins of each other. but some of the armor is pretty nice looking. But hey I wont be looking for a new chestpiece for awhile. I found out I still have my pre 2.0exotech chestpiece so once I get the armoring and mods from the chestpiece sold at ultimate gear vender its going back on my sniper.

But back to my main point. I agree whole wholeheartedly with the op the gtn prices are ridiculous. the one thing I can actually get a sale on is high level crafting goods. Depending on what they are and what they make. I can usually sell those in less than a day.

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I love undercutting profiteers. I'm doing the customer a favour and I don't have to wait freaking days for my credits. I love it even more when I'm the one buying (which is usually the case) so I can get my collections and whatnot done without having to go earn 5 fortunes first.


The ones that aren't selling because they insist on having high prices are the ones that do not know how to price things. Hooray for heavy undercutting! Long may it continue. :)


This so much this!!! :D

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After a short while the only thing that matters on the GTM is how useful it is, how it looks and how rare is it. Tick those boxes and the price goes up. People don't want to look the same and they like to show off. So speeders can range from 9k to 10m. But the most expensive ones don't sell and the cheapest ones no one wants but new players as they are so common.
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I know that undercutting is part of MMO's, I've been playing them in one form or another for the past 6 years. That being said, TOR has to be one of the worse that I've ever played in terms of how dumb people are when it comes to economics. Take for example the release of a new cartel pack, like the Dogfighter/Wingman one. As soon as the packs unbind, everyone just spams the GTN as fast as they can to unload these products. In doing that, the gap between the lowest price and the highest price for a single item is absolutely comical. People spam refresh on a page to see if they have been undercut, and they in turn undercut, and round and round we go until a mount drops from 750k to 40k in the span of a couple hours. People may say " well the market balances out and items get sold for what they're truly worth ", but that's not really true most of the time. On my server, there are currently only about 9 tauntauns(the new one), and they started out this morning at 7 million, they're now being sold for 1.5 million. That's not really a fair price for an item that is quite rare. I opened up 4 hypercrates worth of packs, and only got one tauntaun, wouldn't you say that is rare? I am not entirely being selfish here, I am just stating that in general people need to slow down and price things properly. You end up screwing yourself over by undercutting so much that there's no point in even putting the item up for auction.


I ended up keeping a lot of my new merchandise in my cargoholds until things calm down and the market is less flooded with everyone dumping loot as fast as they can for as little profit as possible. Things do even out a bit with time, with less people buying the packs in the weeks to come. So please people, just think before you spam the GTN, it will help you in the long run.


BOO HOO! Your tears are delicious!

I love to see greedy people complain like this.

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BOO HOO! Your tears are delicious!

I love to see greedy people complain like this.


Please go back in game and post more Bio-Mechanical Interface Chips at 100 credits per unit. I'll buy as many stacks as you can post. Thanks.

Edited by DarthTHC
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