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Yavin 4 in the next SWTOR Story Update


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I have been wondering what is would be like to visit Yavin 4 in SWTOR. Being able to see the Sith Temples and acient relics of Sith history. I think we should have Yavin 4 in the next Story update, like how we got Makeb and Oricon for rise of the Hutt Cartel. Hope you all like my idea!
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I feel like Yavin 4 would work better as an Operation than a full-blown leveling planet: Naga Sadow's spirit could make a good end-boss; Exar Kun's spirit a "Hateful Entity" style bonus boss; a Sith Leviathan lurking in the bowels of a temple as a mechanics/coordination fight; Massassi warriors as enemies, with a Massassi chief as a boss - there's a lot there they could make use of. The only real pitfall is that they'd have to be careful to make sure it doesn't end up feeling like a retread of Athiss, since they've already done a big-bad Sith spirit on a wild temple world theme.


Come to think of it, after re-watching Timeline #7 (the BTC 103 entry), where they made a point to talk about Naga Sadow's spirit, how he would oppose the Empire as much as the Republic, Sadow being able to possess people, etc, I get the impression Athiss was originally going to be Yavin IV, but they ended up "re-skinning" it as a new world and swapping Sadow for Vodal Kresh later on in development.

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Come to think of it, after re-watching Timeline #7 (the BTC 103 entry), where they made a point to talk about Naga Sadow's spirit, how he would oppose the Empire as much as the Republic, Sadow being able to possess people, etc, I get the impression Athiss was originally going to be Yavin IV, but they ended up "re-skinning" it as a new world and swapping Sadow for Vodal Kresh later on in development.

I agree. Which is a shame; Athiss makes significantly less sense for the quest than Yavin does. (The idea of a Republic archaeological team just waltzing into the Stygian Caldera...it just feels really, really stupid.)

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I handed a partial concept for a Yavin raid to Bioware a little while back. I wouldn't post it here as that might disrupt any efforts to implement any of the ideas into an actual design. Also it would be to long a post as the boss fights came out to about 8 pages of text. All in all I thought it was a decent bit of work though. I made an effort to stay within the lore of the game and use creatures that were native to the planet. It would definitely be nice to see some of the work used in the project.
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