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Capital ship combat


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I'm liking the new Starfighter game-play but one thing I really miss from the old X-wing vs Tie fighter games is attacking Capital ships.


I think this would however make a really fun unique game play mode, each side has one capital ship with a high shield strength (that did not regenerate). You need to take down the shields and destroy the enemy teams ship before they do the same to you, your team would need to split between attack and defence. I would love trying to get a torpedo off at a capital ship as I dodge a fighter, or intercepting a craft trying to do the same.


Although some ships, like gunships and strike fighters would be a little better at taking down the shields, the speed of scouts would still have its uses, I'm sure some balancing would fix any issues.


There are numerous small things that could be added too. Once the shields are down you could add things like targetable hard-points and it would make sense to give the capital ships some turrets that work like the ones guarding objectives. Instead of a timer you could set the capital ships moving towards the centre of the map, this would make defence harder as the match went on, and eventually the ships would meet and open fire on each other. When this happened the ship that had taken the most damage would obviously lose the exchange but it would give the player one last chance to do as much damage as they could.


Anyway, this is just an idea I had that would add some capital ship combat to the game, but I'd like anything that would let me dogfight and make attack runs on a capital ship. Anyone else got any thoughts on the matter?

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