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How are RP servers?


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I've been playing MMO's for years, however during that entire time I've only ever played on PvP servers. RP servers have always been sort of taboo, with a lot of stigma around them in the circles that I played with. A lot of that comes from how people saw things on certain WoW RP servers, like Moonguard, and the odd folk that would RP naked and all that.


I've been an avid fantasy and sci-fi novel reader for my entire life, and I've always found certain aspects of RP to be interesting. The people who play on RP servers always seem so happy, and so incredibly immersed in what they do. My question is, from someone who has never ever touched an RP server, how are they? While this game still gives me enjoyment, especially around PvP, it's wearing a little thin. This got me thinking, maybe I should checkout an RP server and get a new perspective on this game.

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From everyday appearance, an RP server is identical to a PvE server.


RP however can be found, if you are looking for it and if you want to see it.... which means to take the time to get involved.


In my opinion, roleplay is celebrating the slowness, where PvE usually is all about getting the maximum reward in the minimum time.


On Vanjervalis Chain (german RP server) roleplayers are most often "flagging" themselves with walking around, instead of running. This got two effects without taking much effort:

1. You are actually slow enough to see what is happening around you and slow enough to see a /say or /me from other players around, that you might want to interact with.

2. You show other roleplayers that you are not just "hurrying through" but are there for a reason other than leveling, farming, credit hunting, etc...


A basic backstory for your character can come in handy, cause the class story is not working in freeform roleplay (we cannot all be the Barsen'thor, Emperor Slayer, Right hand of the Wookiee or whatever fancy end title each story gets you). Your personal backstory doesn't need to be long, but it should answer two questions: Why are you there? What do you want?


On Korriban(VC) for example any non-Sith(class) is likely to be asked, why they even are on that planet.... and it would be an easy hook-up for roleplay.


You are free to invent all kind of NPC that sent you anywhere for whatever reason... Just do not claim to be gods gift to mankind with power over all... as noone will believe you.


Roleplay happens, if you allow it.

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Okay, first I must say that Moonguard's Goldshire nonsense is not representing a RP server, but just Moonguard itself. Wyrmrest Accord's Goldshire was perfectly normal.


As for SWTOR, only a few servers have a lot of RP, and that would be The Ebon Hawk on US and The Progenitor on EU. I cannot vouch for any other as you would probably have a lot of trouble finding RP there. Unfortunately, there are more RP servers than there are RPers.

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