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Lol they buffed Ion AoE


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• The area of effect damage from Ion Railgun Component’s tier 4B upgrade is now still applied even if the attack destroys the primary target.


Patch Notes


I still think it could use a couple more buffs though, to be perfectly unbiased. Maybe increase the range of the AoE and reduce the time between shots? Also I think the debuff doesn't last long enough, bumping it from 6 seconds to 10 seconds would be more fair. Thanks!

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Not sure how that is a buff so much as a fix to an effect that should already have been present. Ion rails usually only can finish off a heavily damaged opponent, but no reason for the AoE not to trigger if the initial blast finished the target off.
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Although I think we can all agree that the Ion needs a bit of an adjustment, this is just a bug fix. Balancing happens later, when it can be a bit more comprehensive. (Hopefully.)


From the sounds of it, this would be a pretty rare occurrence anyway. Changing it is just making it work the way it's supposed to, not buffing it.

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Although I think we can all agree that the Ion needs a bit of an adjustment, this is just a bug fix. Balancing happens later, when it can be a bit more comprehensive. (Hopefully.)


From the sounds of it, this would be a pretty rare occurrence anyway. Changing it is just making it work the way it's supposed to, not buffing it.


I've surprisingly had it happen though, I didn't expect it because you know, ion cannon hull damage is weak, but they were shieldless and low on hull, I was just trying to get 2 ships off an ally by hindering them before I sniped, blew one up with ion cannon, didn't really notice that the other ship didn't get hit, figured out of range.

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