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switching co-pilots while waiting for respawn?


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I'm 99.9% sure you can't do this, but it would be a very useful ability.

your choice of co-pilot is a massive tactical decision you're making completely blind of the composition of the enemy squadron, having the 'wrong' co-pilot ability given the makeup of the enemy can put you at a severe disadvantage.

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I'm 99.9% sure you can't do this, but it would be a very useful ability.

your choice of co-pilot is a massive tactical decision you're making completely blind of the composition of the enemy squadron, having the 'wrong' co-pilot ability given the makeup of the enemy can put you at a severe disadvantage.


I think by lore your "crew" isn't people who are actually on the ship (the ship's far too small for that), but rather those that do maintenance and prep work and so forth. One of them comes along with you (and it can't be someone else because reasons).


Gameplay-wise, choice of co-pilot depends on your build and its intended goals. Thus, there are a lot of inferior choices of co-pilot; generally each build or intent behind a ship wants a copilot from a specific category of crew member, e.g. my scout wants copilots from the offensive category, a debuff build would want someone from the engineering category, etc. This means that I wouldn't really want to trade out copilots in between spawns, because while Concentrated Fire is good for me, Slicer's Loop, Running Interference, and Servo Jammer are never going to be superior, ever.


If you want ship loadouts with the same components but different crew members, you can deck out one of your duplicate ships (e.g. an Ocula to compliment your Sting) so you can fly that into battle if you need different crew members. Just remember that in order to make this work, you'll need to shuffle around every crew member, because passives are important.

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Better than that, how about rather than forcing us into one loadout per ship, let us has 3-4 customizable slots where we can re-use the same ship with different loadouts. Most people prefer to fly just one ship, and focus on that ship for leveling up components. Why not let me have a "dofighting" set for my pike (Quads, Clusters, Concussion), a long-range armor piercing set for anti-bomber (heavy laser, concussion or ion, proton), etc.
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